(A)   General prohibitions. It shall be unlawful to create, cause or allow the continuance of any unreasonably loud, disturbing, or frightening noise, particularly during the nighttime, which substantially interferes with neighboring residents' reasonable use and enjoyment of their properties. For purposes of this subchapter, NIGHTTIME is defined as the time between 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
   (B)   Specific prohibitions. The following acts are prohibited and shall be considered nuisance acts:
      (1)   Horns and signaling devices. The intentional sounding of any horn or signaling device of a motor vehicle on any street or public place continuously or intermittently, except as a danger or emergency warning.
      (2)   Motor vehicles. Operating or permitting the operation of any motor vehicle or motorcycle not equipped with a muffler or other device in good working order so as to effectively prevent loud or explosive noises therefrom.
      (3)   Exterior loudspeakers. Operating or permitting the operation of any mechanical device or loudspeaker, without a permit to do so, in a fixed or moveable position exterior to any building, or mounted on any aircraft or motor vehicle in such a manner that the sound therefrom is in excess of the maximum permitted sound level as defined in § 94.18.
      (4)   Power equipment. Operating or permitting the operation of any power saw, sander, drill, grinder, leaf blower, lawn mower, or other garden equipment, or tools of a similar nature, outdoors during nighttime.
      (5)   Explosives. The use or firing of explosives, firearms, fireworks or similar devices which create impulsive sound.
      (6)   Security alarms. The sounding of a security alarm, for more than 20 minutes after being notified by law enforcement personnel that the alarm has been activated.
      (7)   Dogs and other animals. Allowing one or more dogs or other animals to bark or make disturbing noises continuously or intermittently for more than 30 minutes.
      (8)   Motor vehicle speakers or speakers located in or on a motor vehicle. Operating or permitting the operation of any speaker or sound in or on a motor vehicle in such a manner that the sound therefrom is in excess of the maximum permitted sound level as defined in § 94.18.
      (9)   Musical instruments or sound amplification equipment. The playing of any musical instrument or electronic sound amplification equipment outdoors or from a motor vehicle during the nighttime that can be heard from an adjoining property or at a distance of greater than 20 feet from the source of the sound. This prohibition shall also apply to sounds produced and/or amplified by equipment located indoors, in the event that the sound propagates to the outside through the building so as to be heard as provided in this division.
(Ord. 2017-015, passed 1-2-18)