Section 1. Purpose of expenditures.
It shall be unlawful for the Town Council of the Town of Franklin, in Macon County, to use the $26,000, now in the hands of its Treasurer, and arising from the sale of its municipal power plant, to pay off and discharge any notes or other debts of the Town of Franklin now outstanding, whether due or hereafter to become due, to build, construct, hard-surface or improve any street or streets of the Town, to build or construct sidewalks, to build or construct any waterworks or any other improvements in the Town for the general use of the citizens of the Town.
Section 2. Division of expenditures authorized.
The Town Council of the Town of Franklin be and they are hereby authorized, directed and empowered to use any part or all of the $26,000 for the purpose of any one or all of the purposes set out in section one of this act.
Qualifications of officers
Section 1. Exemption from law.