§ 152.061 AGGREGATION.
   Two or more developments shall be aggregated and treated as a single development under this chapter when they are determined to be part of a unified plan of development and are physically proximate to one another. Each of the criteria listed below is indicative of a unified plan of development. Whenever one or more are found to exist, the reviewing authority may, but is not required to, determine that two or more projects are part of a unified plan of development.
   (A)   The same person has control of the developments;
   (B)   The same person has ownership or a significant legal or equitable interest in the developments;
   (C)   There is common management controlling the form of physical development or disposition of parcels of the development;
   (D)   There is a reasonable closeness in time between the completion of some or all of one development and the submission of an application for authorization of other development which is indicative of a common developmental effort;
   (E)   A master plan or series of plans or drawings exists covering the developments sought to be aggregated;
   (F)   There is a voluntary sharing of infrastructure that is indicative of a common development effort or is designated specifically to accommodate the developments sought to be aggregated;
   (G)   There is a common advertising scheme or promotional plan in effect for the developments sought to be aggregated.
(Ord. passed 10-1-07)