§ 155.17 APPEALS.
   (A)   Any person aggrieved by any notice and/or order of the Building Inspector and/or Code Enforcement Officer from which there is no other express administrative or judicial appeal provided by law may appeal to the City Commission.
   (B)   Such appeal shall be taken within ten days after service of such notice and/or order on such person by filing with the City Manager a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof and stating the appellant’s name, address and telephone number. Enforcement of such notice and/or order shall thereupon be suspended pending the appeal.
   (C)   The City Manager shall forthwith deliver copies of said notice of appeal to the Building Inspector and/or Code Enforcement Officer and the Mayor. The City Commission shall fix a reasonable time for hearing the appeal and shall give public notice in accordance with KRS 424.130, as well as written notice to the appellant and the Building Inspector and/or Code Enforcement Officer at least one week prior to the hearing.
   (D)   The appellant may appear at the hearing in person and/or by counsel, and may present relevant evidence. The City Commission may administer oaths and affirmations, receive evidence and examine witnesses. The City Commission may affirm, reverse, vary or remand the appealed notice and/or order, but in any event shall render its findings and decision in writing within 30 days after the notice of appeal shall have been filed.
   (E)   Signed copies of the City Commission’s findings and decision shall be recorded with the County Clerk filed with the Building Inspector and/or Code Enforcement Officer, and served by personal delivery or by certified mail return receipt requested to appellant at the address stated in the notice of appeal.
   (F)   The City Commission’s decision shall be final and appealable only to County Circuit Court within 30 days after service to the appellant.
(Ord. 950.5, passed 7- -1982; Ord. 950.5-A-7-88, passed 7-25-1988; Ord. 950.6-4-96, passed 4-8-1996)