The city recognizes certain exceptional situations wherein adjustments in the manner of applying sanitary sewer service charges should be permitted, and provision is made for the same, as follows. Whenever it is determined by the city to be necessary to classify any commercial institutions or industries, or other entities, by reason of the unusual purpose for which water is used, or the character of the commercial and industrial wastes which are discharged therefrom, or whenever the established schedule of sanitary sewer service and/or water rates and charges for any reason is not applicable, then special sanitary sewer service rates, water rates, rentals or other charges may be established by the Board of Commissioners, and any person, firm or corporation being dissatisfied with the established schedule of sanitary sewer service rates, water rates, rentals or other charges by reason of peculiar or unusual use or occupancy of any premises, and consequently alleging peculiar or unusual uses of water, may file application with the city for special classification rates, rental and charges. The Board of Commissioners may take such action thereon as it sees fit.
(Ord. 610.7-2-96, passed 2-26-1996; Ord. 2017-011, passed 7-24-2017)