A.   Licensing Or Contracting:
      1.   License Or Contract Required: There is hereby established a system of refuse collection, transportation and disposal. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of collecting, transporting, hauling or conveying any refuse over the streets or alleys of the City, or to dump or dispose of the same, unless and until such person is licensed therefor, or has a contract therefor as an authorized representative of the City.
      2.   Authority To License Or Contract: The Mayor and City Council is the sole authority to license, contract or perform all services pertaining to all sanitary collection and disposal under this Chapter.
   B.   Collection Schedule: Collectors shall collect rubbish and garbage from each customer at least once a week or as deemed necessary as provided by the rules and regulations of the City Council.
   C.   Collection Fees And Rates:
      1.   Fees And Rates Established: Fees and rates for the collection of garbage and refuse shall be set by rules and regulations of the City. (Ord. 10, 12-12-1972)
         a.   The fees for the collections at single-family residences shall be five dollars ($5.00) per month, which may be changed by resolution of the City Council. (Ord. 10, 12-12-1972; amd. 1999 Code)
         b.   The fees for business houses or multiple residences shall be set by negotiation and contract between the City and the business.
Provided, that where the enforcement of the provisions of this Chapter will work a financial hardship, or where the amount of refuse and garbage is of such small amounts as to not warrant the collection of the full charges as herein provided, the Mayor and City Council may issue a special permit altering the provisions of this Chapter.
      2.   Bills For Service; Delinquencies: Sanitary service fees shall be carried on the water bill, and the same shall be paid with the water bill, and the Water Department is authorized to discontinue services to any premises if the entire water and garbage fee shall not be paid, said charges to become delinquent as provided for water charges and shall be subject to the same penalties provided in the water ordinance.
   D.   Privately Hauling Garbage: Any person may haul their own garbage in watertight containers. (Ord. 10, 12-12-1972)