§ 153.174 BUFFERING.
   Buffering shall be required if a development falls under any one of the conditions listed under § 153.170. A guideline for creating buffers can be found in Appendix H.
   (A)   Installation of landscaped buffers between potentially incompatible land uses and/or along public roads shall be encouraged. -0/+2 (5).
   (B)   Retention of existing, mature vegetation that serves buffering functions shall be encouraged. -0/+2 (3).
   (C)   For commercial/industrial developments, effective and reasonable buffers shall be required when within 500 feet of an incompatible use.
   (D)   Installation of buffers and/or building placement requirements to minimize the obstruction of natural view. 0+2 (4).
(Ord. 2007-8-13, passed 3-11-2019 ; Am. 2-28-2022)