All potential nuisances and hazards shall be mitigated by appropriate means.
   (A)   No development shall create excessive levels of noise or vibration beyond its property line. Excessive noise, as measured at the property line, exceeds the standards of Appendix G.
   (B)   No development shall direct hazardous light, glare, or heat beyond its property line. Illumination of signs is specifically addressed in §§ 153.270 to 153.282.
   (C)   Solid waste shall be handled in a manner that does not:
      (1)   Attract rodents, flies, or other animals;
      (2)   Generate odors perceptible beyond the property line;
      (3)   Generate liquid runoff; or
      (4)   Permit the blowing of paper and other lightweight waste.
   (D)   Industrial or commercial solid waste handling and storage areas shall be effectively screened from the public view by enclosure in a building location on the site, or the construction of a fence, wall, or landscaped buffers.
   (E)   No development shall channel storm water or snow melt runoff in a way that adversely impacts neighboring properties or public ways.
   (F)   No development shall change the landscape in a way that creates sustained dust and debris (other than during construction phases) beyond the normal existing conditions.
(Ord. 2007-8-13, passed 3-11-2019 ; Am. 2-28-2022)