State Construction Codes
   EDITOR’S NOTE: Chapter 1420, formerly titled State Construction Code, was repealed and reenacted in its entirety as State Construction Codes by Ordinance 2011-09, passed July 11, 2011.
1420.01   Assumption of responsibility for administration and enforcement.
1420.02   Fee schedules.
1420.03   References and amendments.
1420.04   Michigan Building Code Appendix G.
1420.05   Designation of regulated floodprone hazard areas.
1420.06   Warning and disclaimer of liability.
1420.99   Penalty of regulated floodprone hazard areas.
   State Construction Code - see M.C.L.A. 125.1501 et seq.
   Nonconforming buildings - see P. & Z. 1242.04(g), Ch. 1264
   Height of buildings - see P. & Z. 1244.07(b)(2), 1268.04, Pt. 12, Title 4, Appx. A-3
   Moving of buildings - see P. & Z. 1264.07, 1268.18
   Temporary buildings - see P. & Z. 1244.07(b)(7), 1268.16
   Dangerous buildings - see P. & Z. 1268.21; B. & H. Ch. 1478
   Alterations and additions to buildings in flood hazard areas - see B. & H. 1464.09