If the Village Council approves the plan, it shall instruct the applicant to prepare deed restrictions setting forth the conditions upon which such approval is based. The restrictions, after review by the Village Attorney and approval by the Village Council, shall be binding upon the property and the prospective purchasers. Said restrictions shall include, but not be limited to:
   (a)   Penalty provisions for noncompliance with the approved plan.
   (b)   A specified time period for development. Failure to begin construction within six months of approval renders said plan null and void, unless an extension is requested, in writing, by the applicant, and the request is reviewed by the Planning Commission and is granted by the Village Council.
   (c)   A provision which will guarantee the completion of the proposed improvements to the open land within a time to be set by the Village Council.
   (d)   Provision for ownership, maintenance and preservation of all areas designated as open space, common areas or natural preservation areas. Such restriction shall include provision for assessment for maintenance charges for such areas and a detailed description of the authority or organization responsible for maintenance and preservation.
   (e)   Provision to permit inspection by Village or County Officials for any on-site sanitary waste facilities or components of any such facility or system.
(Ord. 170. Passed 8-27-90; Ord. 2017-02. Passed 2-13-17.)