If the Planning Commission is satisfied that the proposal meets the spirit and intent of this Zoning Code and the Village of Franklin Master Plan, it shall give a favorable recommendation with the conditions upon which such approval should be based. If the Planning Commission is not satisfied that the proposal meets the spirit and intent of this Zoning Code, or finds that recommendation of the proposal would be detrimental to existing development in the general area and should not be approved, it shall record reasons therefore in the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting. If the Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposal, the Village Clerk shall place the matter upon the agenda of the Village Council. If disapproval is recommended by the Planning Commission, the applicant shall be entitled to a hearing before the Village Council if he or she requests one in writing within thirty days after action by the Planning Commission. Such Council hearing shall be held not later than ninety days after the date of request for such hearing. The Village Council shall not act upon the request until notice has been given according to Section 1242.08 and a public hearing has been held. In the event of an appeal to the Village Council from an unfavorable recommendation by the Planning Commission, the Council may base its review on the record of the Planning Commission or may request additional information. In each instance, the decision of the Council shall be a final decision and shall not be subject to further review other than by a court of competent jurisdiction and based solely upon the record made before the Village Council.
(Ord. 170. Passed 8-27-90; Ord. 2006-03. Passed 11-13-06.)