The procedures for preparation and submittal of a plan under this chapter shall be as follows:
   (a)   Ten copies of a plan of the development with a written application shall be submitted to the Planning Commission. All applications and plans shall be filed with the Village Clerk.
   (b)   The plan must be drawn to scale and show the arrangement of dwelling units, streets and open space. Dimensions of the elements shall be shown and must comply with the dimensional standards as listed in Appendix A. It is the intent of this section that the plan be done in sufficient detail to permit planning review. At this stage, the Planning Commission shall have the authority to require alterations to be made in the plan or to require additional information if this is found necessary to comply with the intent of this section.
   (c)   The plan shall include:
      (1)   An overall map showing the relationship of the property to its surroundings within one-half mile, such as section lines and/or major and secondary streets. The map shall be drawn to scale, which must be specified on plans, and contain a north arrow.
      (2)   Property and lot lines and public and private streets of adjacent tracts of subdivided and unsubdivided property within 200 feet of the proposed plan.
      (3)   The location of existing and proposed on-site sanitary and water facilities within or immediately adjacent to the proposed property.
      (4)   A survey by a registered surveyor showing topography drawn at two-foot contour intervals, and a grid map showing elevation at fifty-foot intervals; preliminary landscaping plans, and all computations relative to the acreage and density.
      (5)   All the natural assets of the property. The preservation of drainage and natural stream channels must be maintained by the developer and owner, and the provision of adequate easements, where appropriate, shall be required.
      (6)   A preliminary landscaping plan identified by size, height and species and showing trees and vegetation to be added and existing vegetation. Where berms are to be employed, an elevation of such berms, together with ground covering and vegetation shall be shown.
      (7)   Provision for intended vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including signs, striping, walkways, pathways, lighting and other provisions for protection of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
      (8)   Typical building elevations and floor plans in sufficient detail to allow measurements of floor area, height and property coverage.
   (d)   Plans submitted under this section shall be accompanied by written statements regarding the following:
      (1)   The proposed manner of holding title to the open land, including the method and manner of preservation and maintenance of such open spaces or natural areas, as well as the manner for assessment of maintenance charges and an organizational description of the responsible entity.
      (2)   The proposed manner of payment of taxes.
      (3)   The proposed method of financing the maintenance and development of the property.
   (e)   Upon receipt of all the necessary materials and plans, the Planning Commission shall review all details of the proposed plan within the framework of this Zoning Code, the various elements of the Master Plan and the intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 170. Passed 8-27-90; Ord. 2017-02. Passed 2-13-17.)