So long as the overall density of any single-family residential development does not exceed that density set forth in the Schedule of Regulations provided in Appendix B following the text of this Zoning Code for the zoning classification in which the property is located, the Village Council may, after reviewing reports or recommendations from the Village Planning Commission, approve, in whole or in part, either of the following single-family planned residential optional development patterns when the property is under single ownership and where the Village Council is satisfied that the utilization of a planned residential option would be beneficial to the public health, safety and welfare of the Village of Franklin and consistent with surrounding zoning and natural concerns, and will not impose any vehicular or pedestrian traffic impediments.
   (a)   Lot Size Averaging. The Village Council, subject to the requirements set forth in this chapter, may allow a variation in lot size from those requirements set forth in the Schedule of Regulations provided in Appendix B following the text of this Zoning Code, where conditions so warrant, provided that the average lot size for any such development shall be equal to or greater than that minimum lot size set forth in Appendix B for the particular residential zoning district. No single lot may be reduced by more than twenty-five percent from the scheduled minimum lot size set forth in Appendix B . Average lot size shall be calcuated by adding together the area of each buildable lot and dividing by the number of building lots proposed for said development.
   (b)   Open Space Plan. This provision allows the Village Council, pursuant to this chapter, to approve a reduction of those single-family lot sizes set forth in Appendix B by an amount not to exceed fifty percent of the scheduled minimum lot size of the particular single- family zoning district as set forth in said Appendix B . The open space plan shall create a permanent open space, park or preservation area utilizing all of the areas reduced from the scheduled minimum lot site requirements as set forth in Appendix B , as said Appendix B may be amended from time to time. The created open space must include the provision of ongoing maintenance guarantees by the applicant and their successors. Average lot size, including open space for any such development, shall be equal to or greater than that minimum lot size set forth in Appendix B for the particular residential zoning district.
(Ord. 170. Passed 8-27-90; Ord. 2017-02. Passed 2-13-17.)