The following accessory uses, buildings and structures shall be permitted in the Single-Family Residential Districts, subject to Section 1268.13:
   (a)   Accessory structures, buildings, or uses customarily incidental to uses permitted by Section 1250.02, when located on the same lot and not involving any business, profession, trade or occupation.
   (b)   A private garage may not house more than one commercial vehicle, which shall not be larger than a typical manufactured pick-up or panel truck of three-quarter ton capacity, further provided the commercial vehicle is owned and operated by a member of the family who resides in the living unit.
   (c)   Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) that provide living quarters for an extension of the primary residents' family as defined by the Fair Housing Act shall be considered an accessory use if located in a building separate from the principal building on the lot, and shall be permitted only where the lot in question exceeds one acre in area, and shall be subject to site plan and special approval requirements in Sections 1268.30 and 1268.32.
   (d)   The growing of vegetables, fruit, flowers, shrubs and trees, provided that such uses are not conducted for commercial purposes.
   (e)   Home occupations as limited and defined in Section 1240.08(b)(38).
   (f)   Temporary buildings for use incidental to construction work as approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals, for a period not to exceed six months, subject to renewal, which buildings shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of the construction work.
   (g)   Private swimming pools as regulated by all Village ordinances and regulations.
   (h)   Off-street parking in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 1262.
   (i)   The Village of Franklin encourages the development and use of alternative energy sources, such as energy generated by solar and wind facilities, provided that the devices to generate, process and store the energy are safe and will cause no harm to the well-being of adjacent residents or the neighborhood as a whole. Alternative energy facilities are considered to be accessory structures, and are subject to the following site plan and use approval requirements.
      (1)   Wind energy facilities, whether freestanding or attached to the principal building, require site plan review in accordance with Section 1268.30 and special use approval in accordance with Section 1268.32.
      (2)   Ground-mounted solar energy facilities require site plan review in accordance with Section 1268.30 and special use approval in accordance with Section 1268.32.
      (3)   Roof-mounted solar energy facilities require zoning compliance approval in accordance with Section 1242.02 and shall comply with Section 1268.13A, Roof-Mounted Solar Energy Systems.
   (j)   All accessory buildings and structures, including garages, barns, stables, pool houses, permanent swimming pools, children’
(Ord. 158. Passed 9-14-87; Ord. 2010-05. Passed 5-10-10; Ord. 2017-02. Passed 2-13-17; Ord. 2019-05. Passed 6-10-19; Ord. 2020-05. Passed 9-14-20; Ord. 2021-04. Passed 10-11-21.)