In all Single-Family Residential Districts, the following uses shall be permitted only after approval in accordance with Section 1268.32.
   (a)   Municipal buildings, offices, community centers and facilities owned and operated by the Village of Franklin for the purposes of the government of the Village of Franklin.
   (b)   Public, quasi-public, and institutional buildings, offices, centers and facilities, such as, but not limited to libraries and post offices, owned or operated by governmental or quasi-governmental entities for the purposes of providing civic services and functions.
   (c)   Churches and other facilities normally incidental thereto, including but not limited to community and civic group meetings, events and activities, and religious, social, cultural and educational services, instruction and programs. A proposed site for a church shall not be less than two acres, shall have adequate access to all required off-street parking areas, shall prohibit parking in the required front yard and be located on a site adjacent to a major thoroughfare as defined by the Village’s Master Plan.
   (d)   Public, parochial and private elementary, junior high and/or senior high schools offering courses in general education, which may contain libraries and other facilities customarily found within a school, not operated for profit, and situated on a site not less than two acres.
   (e)   Public utility buildings, telephone exchange buildings, electric transformer stations and substations, and gas regulator stations, but not including service or storage yards, when operating requirements necessitate the locating of such uses in order to serve the immediate vicinity.
   (f)   Museums displaying or exhibiting items or artifacts of an historical nature and not operated for profit. It is the express intent of this section to prohibit any displays or exhibits of a commercial nature or which are operated for profit, provided, however, that certain nonprofit activities may be permitted under Section 1268.32(h).
      The following additional conditions shall apply to any special approval use under this subsection:
      (1)   No item or display shall bear any indication of cost, value or price.
      (2)   No income, revenue or compensation of any kind shall be received as part of any such museum use or exhibition, except that a nominal door fee or entrance fee may be imposed.
      (3)   No artifact, souvenir or any other article or item of any type or nature whatsoever shall be offered for sale upon the premises.
      (4)   All exhibitions, displays or programs shall be related to the history of the Village of Franklin, the State of Michigan or the United States.
      (5)   No museum shall be located closer than 2,500 feet to any other museum.
(Ord. 158. Passed 9-14-87; Ord. 2014-06. Passed 9-11-14; Ord. 2017-02. Passed 2-13-17; Ord. 2019-05. Passed 6-10-19; Ord. 2021-02. Passed 7-19-21; Ord. 2021-04. Passed 10-11-21.)