1242.03   PERMITS.
   The following provisions shall apply in the issuance of any permit:
   (a)   Permits Required. No person shall commence excavation for, or construction of, any building or structure or for the moving of an existing building, without first obtaining a building permit from the Enforcement Official. No permit shall be issued for the construction, alteration or remodeling of any building or structure until an application has been submitted in accordance with the provisions of this Zoning Code, showing that the construction proposed is in compliance with the provisions of this Zoning Code and with the Building and Housing Code.
   No plumbing, electrical, drainage or other permit shall be issued until the Enforcement Official has determined that the plans and designated use indicate that the structure and premises, if constructed as planned and proposed, will conform to the provisions of this Zoning Code.
   Alteration or repair of an existing building or structure shall include any changes in structural members, stairways, basic construction, type, kind or class of occupancy, light or ventilation, means of egress and ingress or any other changes affecting or regulated by the Building and Housing Code, or this Zoning Code, except for minor repairs or changes not involving any of the aforesaid provisions. (See the definition of "alteration" in Section 1240.08.)
   (b)   Permits for New Uses of Land. A building permit shall also be obtained for the new use of land, whether such land is presently vacant or a change in land use is proposed.
   (c)   Permits for New Uses of Buildings or Structures. A building permit shall also be obtained for any change in use of an existing building or structure to a different class or type.
(Ord. 2000-38. Passed 5-8-00.)