It is the intent of this Zoning Code to improve and protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the Village of Franklin. To this end, the Zoning Code seeks to:
(a) Further the implementation of the adopted master plan;
(b) Conserve property values and encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the Village;
(c) Protect all areas from encroachment by incompatible uses;
(d) Establish adequate standards for the preservation of light, air, and open spaces;
(e) Prevent the overcrowding of land and concentration of population, thereby preventing blight and deterioration;
(f) Minimize congestion on public streets;
(g) Facilitate the provision of adequate public services and facilities;
(h) Provide for adequate drainage, control of erosion, reduction of flood damage, and preservation of sensitive or valuable environmental resources;
(i) Foster compatible relationships among residential, commercial, industrial, and other uses;
(j) Isolate and control the location of unavoidable nuisance-producing uses;
(k) Fix reasonable standards to which buildings, structures, and other uses of land shall conform;
(l) Prevent new construction, or alteration or expansion of existing structures, or uses that do not comply with the restrictions herein;
(m) Provide for the elimination of existing structures or use that do not comply with the restrictions herein;
(n) Define the powers and duties of the officers and bodies charged with the enforcement of this Zoning Code; and
(o) Prescribe penalties for any violation of the provisions herein.
(Ord. 2017-02. Passed 2-13-17.)