1228.06   WATER MAINS.
   (a)   Submittal procedures. For the Village of Franklin's approval of water main systems, the applicant shall furnish to the Village of Franklin a detailed estimate of cost and three sets of water main plans and specifications for the system for which the applicant desires approval. The Village Engineer shall review the estimate and the plans for conformity to the standards set forth herein and certify that they are consistent with the overall utility plans of the Village, after which the Village Engineer will return one of the three sets with appropriate comments. After making any changes requested on the set of plans returned to him or her, the applicant shall then submit nine sets of revised plans to the Village for final approval. The Village Engineer shall then review these revised plans for conformity to the comments mentioned heretofore, and, if the changes have been properly made, will transmit nine copies to the City of Detroit for approval (when applicable). After City of Detroit approval has been obtained (when applicable), the copies will be forwarded to the Michigan State Health Department for a construction permit.
   (b)   Design Standards.
      (1)   The type of pipe and joint shall be in accordance with current Village of Franklin standards.
      (2)   All water mains shall be installed with a minimum cover of five feet below finished grade. Where water mains must dip to pass under a storm sewer or sanitary sewer, the sections which are deeper than normal shall be kept to a minimum length by the use of vertical eleven and one-quarter degree bends, properly anchored.
      (3)   The minimum size for Village of Franklin water mains shall be eight inches in diameter. Gate valves shall be located in the system such that not more than four valves need be turned off to isolate any section of water main. Moreover, sufficient valves shall be placed such that not more than thirty lots shall be serviced within such section of water main which can be so isolated. Also, valves shall be placed so that no more than two hydrants are out of service at any one time. Where possible, gate valves shall be located at street intersections five feet from the intersecting street right-of-way line.
      (4)   Hydrants shall be installed along the water main at least every 600 feet. In no case shall a house be more than 350 feet from a hydrant. In commercial or industrial districts, additional hydrants may be required. Hydrants shall be installed at the ends of all dead-end water mains. When near a street intersection, hydrants shall be located fifteen feet from the intersecting street right of way. Hydrants shall conform to current Village of Franklin standards.
      (5)   The plans shall indicate the finished grades of all hydrants and gate wells. (Ord. 96-87. Passed 5-13-96.)