(a)   Submittal Procedures. For the Village of Franklin's approval of sanitary sewer systems, the applicant shall furnish to the Village a detailed estimate of cost and three sets of the sanitary sewer plans and specifications, including the general plan, for the system for which he or she desires approval. The Village Engineer shall review the estimate and the plans for conformity to the standards set forth herein and certify that they are consistent with the overall utility plans of the Village, after which the Village Engineer will return one of the three sets with appropriate comments. After making any changes requested on the set of plans returned to him or her, the applicant shall then submit eight sets of the revised plans to the Village for final approval. The Village Engineer shall then review these revised plans for conformity to the comments mentioned heretofore, and, if the changes have been properly made, will transmit six copies to the Oakland County Drain Commissioner's office (O.C.D.C.) for its review of the connection details. The O.C.D.C. will then transmit the plans to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (M.D.N.R.) for a construction permit. An approved copy will be returned to the applicant via the M.D.N.R.
   (b)   Design Standards.
      (1)   The following notes pertaining to sanitary sewers shall appear on the plans:
         A.   All construction shall conform to the current standards and specifications of the local unit of government and the Oakland County Drain Commissioner (O.C.D.C.). All sanitary sewer construction shall have full-time inspection supervised by a professional engineer provided by or caused to be provided by the local unit of government.
         B.   At all connections to the Oakland County Drain Commissioner's sewers or extensions, and before the start of construction, the contractor must obtain a sewer inspection permit issued by the O.C.D.C. Gravity sewer permit charges are one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for each connection, plus fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each manhole constructed. Pressure sewer permit charges are two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per 2,460 l.f. of force main, with a minimum permit fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). Failure to pass any test segment will result in an additional charge to the contractor for each retest, in accordance with the above price schedule. The contractor shall also have posted with the O.C.D.C. a five thousand dollar ($5,000) surety bond and a five hundred dollar ($500.00) cash deposit. The contractor shall notify the local unit of government and the O.C.D.C. twenty-four hours prior to the beginning of any construction. Final air tests must be witnessed by County personnel and must be scheduled in advance.
         C.   No sewer installation shall have an infiltration exceeding 200 gallons per inch of diameter per mile of pipe in a twenty-four hour period, and no single run of sewer between manholes shall exceed 250 gallons per inch of diameter per mile. Air tests in lieu of infiltration tests shall be as specified in the O.C.D.P.W. "Acceptance Tests," dated September, 1972. Only pipe and pipe joints approved by the Oakland County Drain Commissioner may be used for sanitary sewer construction.
         D.   At all connections to an existing Oakland County Drain Commissioner sewer, or an extension thereto, a watertight bulkhead with a capped one-inch diameter pipe to permit measuring infiltration shall be provided. A temporary twelve-inch deep sump shall also be provided in the first manhole above the connection which will be filled in after successful completion of any infiltration test up to the standard fillet provided for the flow channel.
         E.   All building leads and risers shall be six-inch S.D.R. 23.5 ABS pipe with chemically fused joints, or an approved equal pipe and joint. Sewer pipe wye or tee openings shall contain factory installed premium joint material of an approved type compatible with that of the building lead pipe used. Building leads shall be furnished with removable airtight and watertight stoppers.
         F.   All rigid sewer pipe shall be installed in Class "B" bedding or better. All flexible, semi-flexible or composite sewer pipe shall be installed in conformity with Oakland County Drain Commissioner specifications.
         G.   All new manholes shall have Oakland County Drain Commissioner approved flexible, watertight seals where pipes pass through walls. Manholes shall be of precast sections with modified grooved tongue and rubber gasket-type joints. Precast manhole cone sections shall be Oakland County Drain Commissioner approved modified eccentric cone-type. All manholes shall be provided with bolted, watertight covers.
         H.   At all connections to manholes on Oakland County Drain Commissioner's sewers, or extensions thereto, drop connections will be required when the difference in invert elevations exceeds eighteen inches. Only outside drop connections will be approved.
         I.   Taps to existing manholes shall be made by coring. The contractor shall place a KOR-N-SEAL boot (or O.C.D.C.-approved equal) after coring is completed. Blind drilling will not be permitted in lieu of coring.
         J.   New manholes constructed directly on Oakland County Drain Commissioner's sewers shall be provided with covers reading "Oakland County - Sanitary" in raised letters. New manholes built over an existing sanitary sewer shall have monolithic poured bottoms.
         K.   No ground water, storm water, construction water, downspout drainage or weep tile drainage shall be allowed to enter any sanitary sewer installation.
         L.   Prior to any excavation, the contractor shall telephone MISS DIG (647-7344) for the location of underground pipeline and cable facilities, and shall also notify representatives of other facilities located in the vicinity of the work.
         M.   An eighteen-inch minimum vertical separation and a ten-foot minimum horizontal separation must be maintained between a sanitary sewer and a water main.
      (2)   Prior to starting any sanitary sewer design, the applicant may make use of maps and information available at the Village of Franklin offices. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to verify utility locations provided by the Village of Franklin.
      (3)   The following table of minimum slopes for gravity sanitary sewers shall be adhered to:
            Size (in.) and Minimum Slope
            10"           0.28
            12"           0.22
            15"           0.15
            18"           0.12
            21"           0.10
            24"           0.08
      NOTE: In the Village of Franklin, for gravity sewers, the minimum allowable size of a sanitary lateral is ten inches in diameter.
      (4)   A note or detail shall show the type of bedding upon which the sewer pipe shall be installed.
      (5)   For gravity sewers, the house leads from the lateral sewer to serve the building shall be a minimum of six inches in diameter within the street right of way and shall be extended a minimum of ten feet past the property line. For pressure sewers, the minimum house lead size shall be one and one- quarter inches in diameter.
      (6)   Sanitary sewer manholes shall be spaced with the following recommended maximums:
            Diameter of Sewer (in.)   Maximum Manhole Spacing (ft.)
            10                300 feet
            12 to 21            350 feet
            24 and larger            400 feet
      Manholes shall be placed in the street right of way. In general, sanitary sewers will not be approved in any rear yard easement. Sanitary sewer manholes shall be of precast construction with modified grooved tongue with rubber gasket.
      (7)   Grinder pump stations on the pressure sewer system shall meet Village of Franklin and Oakland County standards.
      (8)   All gravity and pressure sewers shall be profiled. The sewer profile shall indicate the length of run between each manhole, the size and slope of the sewer between each manhole, the class of bedding, in the event that concrete bedding is required, the type of pipe material, invert elevations and the type of backfill. Top elevations of all manholes shall be indicated.
      (9)   A minimum depth, from the top of the curb (or road centerline) to the top of any sanitary sewer, of eight and one-half feet at local control points, or a minimum of nine feet at locations where the sewer grade is parallel to the road grade, shall be provided for gravity sewers. A minimum depth of cover of five feet shall be provided for pressure sewers. In all cases, gravity sewers shall be deep enough to serve, by gravity, a standard depth basement.
      (10)   Each wye or end of house connection shall have a plug with the same type of joint as the main sewer. The end of the house lead shall be marked with a wooden two inch by two inch (or equal) stake up to eighteen inches of the ground surface.
      (11)   Allowable types of sewer pipe and joints shall conform to current Village of Franklin standards and shall be covered on the plans by a note or on the profile, where applicable.
(Ord. 96-87. Passed 5-13-96.)