Upon receipt of copies of the proposed plat for tentative approval, the Village Clerk, on behalf of the Village Council, shall forward copies to the Village Planning Commission, the local Soil Conservation District and the County Road Commission (or the State Highway Department, as may be applicable) for recommendation. The Village Planning Commission shall examine said proposed preliminary plat with such assistance and review by the Village Planner, the Village Engineer and the Village Attorney as the Planning Commission and Village Council shall require. Upon recommendation by the Planning Commission, the Village Council shall determine whether said proposed preliminary plat complies with all Village ordinances and State statutes and makes adequate provision for the following:
   (a)   Streets.   
      (1)   All proposed streets shall comply with the major street thoroughfare plan adopted by the Village.
      (2)   The arrangement of streets shall provide for a continuation of existing streets from adjoining areas into the new subdivision.
      (3)   Where adjoining areas are not subdivided, the arrangement of streets in the proposed subdivision shall be extended to the boundary line of the tract to make provision for the future projection of streets into adjoining areas, provided, however, that minor streets within the subdivision shall be so laid out that their use by through traffic will be discouraged.
      (4)   Where the proposed subdivision abuts or contains a county primary road or major thoroughfare as defined in the Village Master Plan or the Village Major Thoroughfare Plan, the Village Council may require marginal access streets approximately parallel to the right of way of the primary road or major thoroughfare and may require such other improvements as are deemed necessary for the adequate protection of residential properties and to afford separation of through and local traffic.
      (5)   Private streets may be permitted by the Village Council if the Village Council finds that private streets within the plat will not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare.
      (6)   All new streets shall be named as follows: Streets with a predominant north-south direction shall be named "Street"; streets with a predominant east-west direction shall be named "Avenue"; meandering streets shall be named "Drive", "Lane", "Path", "Road" or "Trail", etc.; and cul-de-sacs shall be named "Circle", "Court", "Way" or "Place", etc.
      (7)   Streets should intersect at a ninety-degree angle or closely thereto and in no case less than eighty degrees.
      (8)   Where the proposed continuation of a street at an intersection is not in alignment with an existing street, it must not intersect with the cross street closer than 175 feet from the opposite existing street, as measured from the centerline of said street.
      (9)   The maximum length allowed for residential blocks shall be 1,000 feet.
      (10)   All primary road rights of way, as designated by the Village Council, within or abutting plats hereafter recorded, shall provide a fifty-foot half-width. All other rights of way within or abutting such plats shall be not less than sixty-six feet in width. Permanent dead-end streets in excess of 660 feet in length shall be prohibited except upon prior approval of the Village Council, to be granted only where the topography of the area, rivers, streams, other natural conditions or the prior development of the area prevents a through street from being constructed.
      (11)   A subdivision or extension of an existing subdivision which creates a total of thirty or more lots must be developed so as to provide two or more access streets.
   (b)   Lots.
         (1)   All lots shall be created so as to be consistent with the dimensional and area requirements of the Village Zoning Code and shall be buildable sites.
         (2)   Corner lots shall be created with additional width so as to permit front yard setback requirements to be attained from both streets.
   (c)   General Provisions.
      (1)   Privately held reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited.
      (2)   Existing natural features which add value to residential development and that enhance the attractiveness of the community (such as streams, watercourses, historic spots and similar irreplaceable assets) shall be preserved insofar as possible in the design of the subdivision. The requirements of Chapter 1226 regarding wetlands development regulations and Chapter 1464 regarding floodplain development regulations shall be complied with in the creation of subdivisions under these Regulations.
      (3)   Lands subject to flooding or otherwise determined by the Village to be uninhabitable shall not be platted for residential, commercial or industrial purposes. Such lands within a subdivision may be set aside for other purposes, such as parks and open space.
      (4)   If the Village Council determines that the proposed preliminary plat complies with all applicable ordinances and statutes and the provisions set forth in this section, it shall grant tentative approval of the preliminary plat. Approval shall confer upon the proprietor, for a period of one year from the date of the approval, approval of lot sizes, lot orientation and street layout. Such tentative approval may be extended in the discretion of the Village Council upon application of the proprietor.
(Ord. 95-26. Passed 2-13-95. Ord. 2003-08. Passed 12-8- 03.)