(a)   All road construction shall conform to the current issue of Village of Franklin, Michigan, Minimum Requirements for Roadway Construction, or such other standards as may be established from time to time by Council or by State law or regulation, and shall coincide with the complete plans as finally approved by the Village Engineer.
   Variations from these requirements can only be granted with the written consent of both the Village Engineer and the Road Administrator. Such variations shall be noted on the completed plans prior to proceeding with the variation.
   (b)   Hard-surface construction placed upon the road bed construction shall be equivalent in analysis, capacity and method of application to the latest approved specification used for hard-surface roads in the Village.
   (c)   All hard surfaces shall be applied to conform to Michigan Department of Transportation standards of construction and shall be applied only by contractors who are currently pre-qualified by such Department for the required type of construction.
(Ord. 20. Passed 6-16-64.)