870.01   PURPOSE.
   (a)   New License Application Review. The Village Council, having found that the best interests of the Village residents are served if the number, location, character and physical facilities of establishments selling or serving alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises are controlled and regulated, establishes a procedure for review of applications for new licenses and the transfer of existing licenses to sell or serve alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises.
   (b)   Dance and/or Entertainment Permit Requests. The Village Council hereby establishes a procedure for the review of applications for new dance, entertainment or dance-entertainment permits, having further found that:
      (1)   The best interests of the Village residents are served if the number, location, character and physical facilities of licensed establishments holding dance, entertainment or dance-entertainment permits are controlled and regulated; and
      (2)   Such interests are harmed if the licensed premises are the site of disorderly conduct, are a public nuisance, or are in violation of the Village's health and safety ordinances, Building and Housing Codes, or the rules and regulations of the County Health Department.
   (c)   Renewal Objections, Revocation Requests. The Village Council, having further found that the best interests of the Village residents are harmed if establishments dispensing alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises and/or if such establishments holding dance, entertainment or dance-entertainment permits are in violation of the Village's health or safety ordinances, are the site of disorderly conduct, or are a public nuisance, hereby establishes a procedure and criteria for objections to renewal of such licenses and requests for revocation of such licenses and permits thereof, based on such conditions and a procedure for notice and opportunity for hearing for the license and/or permit holder prior to any such objection or request being filed with the State Liquor Control Commission.
(Ord. 2002-02. Passed 5-13-02.)