For cause shown, any license issued hereunder may be suspended, revoked or not renewed by the Village Administrator after notice in writing detailing the reasons for the action taken. Notice of suspension, revocation and/or non-renewal shall be served on the licensee. However, in the event the licensee cannot be located after reasonable search, then such notice shall be sent via certified mail to the last known home or business address of such person and a copy of the notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises. Such procedure shall be deemed the equivalent of personal notice. Notice of denial of an original license application will be served on the applicant either personally or via certified mail to the last known residence or business address of said applicant, which procedure shall be deemed the equivalent of personal notice.
(Ord. 130. Passed 10-10-77; Ord. 2020-03. Passed 3-9-20.)