(a)   Purpose. The Village Council has recognized the sanctity of the home and has determined that the public health and welfare and good order of the community require that the members of the community be allowed to enjoy the well being, tranquility and privacy of the home and, when absent from their homes and dwellings, to carry with them a sense of security inherent in the assurance that they may return to the enjoyment, tranquility and privacy of their homes and dwellings. The Village Council has also determined that the practice of picketing residences and/or dwellings causes emotional disturbance and distress to the occupants when such practice has as its object the harassing of said occupants. The Village Council has further determined that without resorting to such picketing, a full opportunity exists and, under the terms of this section, will continue to exist for the exercise of freedom of speech and other constitutional rights. Based on said determinations, the Village Council enacts this section to protect the public interests and to avoid the detrimental results set forth herein.
   (b)   Prohibition. No person, group of persons and/or association shall engage in picketing which takes place solely on the residence or dwelling of any individual of the Village of Franklin.
(Ord. 174. Passed 7-11-91.)