The Village Marshal and other persons officially designated as Ordinance Police by the Village Council are hereby charged with the enforcement of this chapter. No person being the owner or person in charge of or occupant of any private premises shall accumulate or permit the accumulation of any litter on the private premises owned, controlled or occupied by him or her in a manner prohibited by this chapter. Any litter accumulated or permitted to accumulate on any private premises in a manner prohibited by this chapter is hereby declared to be a nuisance per se, and the enforcing officer shall notify the owner, person in control or occupant of such private premises to abate such nuisance within a time limit specified in the notice, such time not to be less than two days nor more than ten days from the time said notice is served. Such notice shall be served as follows:
   (a)   By delivering the notice to the owner, person in charge or occupant of the premises personally or by leaving the same at his or her residence, office or place of business with some person of suitable age and discretion;
   (b)   By mailing said notice by certified or registered mail to such owner, person in charge or occupant at his or her last known address; or
   (c)   If the owner or person in charge is unknown and the premises are not occupied, by posting said notice in some conspicuous place on the premises for five days.
   If the owner, person in charge or occupant of any premises notified to abate a nuisance consisting of the accumulation of litter on any private premises shall fail to abate the same within the time limit specified in said notice therefor, the enforcing officer is hereby authorized to enter upon, or authorize others to enter upon, such private premises and abate said nuisance by removing said litter and clearing said private premises. The cost shall constitute a lien against the private premises and shall be charged to the occupant thereof or to the owner of unoccupied premises, as the case may be. If not paid within sixty days after the bill for such charges is rendered, such charges may be collected as a single lot assessment against said premises in the manner provided by law or in any other manner authorized for the collection of debts owed the Village. (Ord. 17. Passed 12-10-62.)