The following signs are permitted in all districts. No sign permit is required for these signs.
   (A)   One residential identification sign, not to exceed two square feet in area, for each residential dwelling, may be affixed to a mailbox, fence, or structure or be freestanding. In addition, one sign not exceeding two square feet for any permissible home occupation is allowed.
   (B)   Property address numbers for any house or business are permitted not to exceed two square feet in residential areas or four square feet in commercial or industrial areas.
   (C)   Signs for the purposes of identifying the name of schools, churches, community buildings or other public or semi-public institutional buildings, residential subdivisions, apartments or mobile home parks, shall be permitted provided the following conditions are met:
      (1)   The sign shall not exceed 24 square feet.
      (2)   If freestanding, the sign shall be located not less than 15 feet from the road right-of-way. Freestanding signs may be double-faced, and such sign, including any structure to which it is attached, shall not exceed five feet in height.
      (3)   The Building Inspector may authorize additional signs if the building fronts on more than one street.
   (D)   One bulletin board, not illuminated except by indirect light and not exceeding 24 square feet in surface area is permitted with any church, school, or other similar public or semi-public structures.
   (E)   Permanent off-site directional signs intended for the purposes of directing traffic to such civic or public facilities as churches, schools, or public parks shall be permitted, provided such signs do not exceed six square feet in area and not placed so as to create a traffic hazard.
   (F)   Signs erected by the city, county, state or a public utility are permitted including traffic-control and safety signs, handicapped parking signs, railroad signals, entrance and exit signs, signs indicating scenic or historical places, welcome sign, public directional signs and memorial plaques.
   (G)   Show window displays are permitted, including displays of merchandise, photographs, drawings, prices, promotional statements or messages designed and intended to be viewed from outside the building.
   (H)   An exterior building directory, on a multiple tenancy structure, is permitted provided it does not exceed one sign per entrance and does not exceed six square feet in area.
   (I)   Any flags bearing the official design of a nation, state, city, or organizations, a corporation or a school or decorative flags are permitted.
   (J)   On-site directional signs shall be permitted for the purpose of directing traffic and parking on the same lot as the signs. Such signs shall not exceed five square feet, shall not be located in any public right- of-way, and such sign, including any structure to which it is located, shall not exceed four feet in height.
   (K)   Signs located on-site warning the public against hunting, fishing, dumping, trespassing, dangerous animals, swimming or the like, shall be permitted. Such signs may be freestanding or attached to a fence.
   (L)   Names of buildings, dates of construction, commemorative tablets and the like are permitted, when carved in stone, concrete or similar material or made of bronze, aluminum or other permanent type of construction and made an integral part of the building and structure.
   (M)   Signs accessory to an agricultural use located on a parcel of not less than 20 acres for the purpose of identifying such agricultural uses of advertising the products thereof, including seed and demonstration test areas. No such sign shall exceed 32 square feet in area, does not pose a visual clearance situation, and all such signs on a given farm shall not exceed 60 square feet in area. No such sign shall exceed eight feet in height or be located within any street right-of-way.
   (N)   Signs erected by farm operators on their barns or other accessory buildings giving their name, the name of the farm and the year the farm established are permitted.
(Ord. CO-90-2, passed 3-26-90; Am. Ord. CO-07-19, passed 12-10-07)