(A)   Within 30 days after the City Plan Commission meeting next following submission to the Building Inspector of an application for approval of a plat of a subdivision, together with four copies of all maps and data, the Commission shall review the application and shall study the provisional plat to see if it conforms to the minimum standards and requirements as outlined in this chapter, and shall accept the application and plat or return them to the subdivider with suggestions for changes, within 60 days after submission of the application to the Commission.  If the Commission does not act within 60 days after submission of the application to the Commission, the provisional plat shall be deemed to be accepted, provided that the subdivider may agree to an extension of time.
   (B)   After the Commission has given tentative approval of the application, it shall set a date for a hearing, notify the applicant in writing, and notify by general publication or otherwise, any person or governmental unit having a probable interest in the proposed plat. At least ten days prior to the date set for hearing, the Commission shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the city a notice of the time and place of the hearing.
   (C)   Within a reasonable time following the hearing on the provisional plat, the Commission will notify the applicant in writing that it has approved the provisional plat and is ready to receive the record plat, or will advise the applicant of any further changes in the provisional plat which are required or should have consideration before approval will be given.  The approval of the provisional plat by the Commission does not constitute approval of the subdivision, but is merely an authorization to proceed with the preparation of the record plat.
   (D)   One copy of the provisional plat approved by the Commission and signed by the President and Secretary shall be retained in the Building Inspector's office.  One copy shall be sent to the subdivider and is authorization for the subdivider to proceed with the preparation of the record plat.
   (E)   An approval of the provisional plat shall be effective for a period of four years unless, on request of the applicant, the Commission grants an extension of time.  The application for the record plat shall be submitted to the Commission, and if it is not received within the period of time specified above, all previous actions by the Commission with respect to the plat shall be deemed to be null and void.
(Ord. CO-67-5, passed 2-21-67; Am. Ord. CO-98-19, passed 1-11-99)