(A)   It shall be the duty of the Clerk-Treasurer to collect and retain all monies belonging to the Fund; to have custody of all its notes, bonds, and other securities or evidence of indebtedness; and to collect the principal and interest on those items.  He or she shall be liable on his or her bond as Clerk-Treasurer for the faithful accounting of all monies and securities which may come into his or her hands belonging to the Fund.  The Clerk-Treasurer of the Board shall keep a separate account, which shall show at all times the true and accurate condition of the Fund. The Clerk-Treasurer shall, upon the expiration of his or her term of office, account to the Board of Trustees for all monies, notes, and other securities belonging to the Fund and coming into his or her hands and the proceeds of the same, and shall turn over to his or her successor in office all monies, notes, property, or other securities belonging to the Fund remaining in his or her hands.
   (B)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall execute a surety bond to be approved by the Board of Trustees in an amount as may be fixed by the Board, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his or her trust, the premium of the bond to be paid out of the Fund.
   (C)   It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a true account of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees and to keep a correct statement of the account of each employee with the Trust Fund.  He or she shall render to the Board of Trustees a monthly account of his or her acts and services as Secretary and turn over to his or her successor all books, papers, property, or other articles pertaining to his or her office or the Trust Fund. 
   (D)   The Secretary and Clerk-Treasurer of the Board of Trustees shall make full, true, and accurate reports of the respective trusts to the Board at each annual meeting, and a copy of these shall be filed by the Secretary and Clerk-Treasurer of the Board as part of the minutes of the annual meetings.  The books of the Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees shall at all times be open to examination by Plan Administrator.
('75 Code, §§  9.06, 9.07, 9.08)  (Ord. 3-  , passed 2-13-47; Am. Ord. CO-82-12, passed 8-23-82; Am. Ord. CO-01-17, passed 8-27-01)