The Municipal Electric and Water Utilities Employees Retirement Board of Trustees shall consist of the Mayor, the City Clerk-Treasurer, the respective superintendents of the electric and water utilities, the Utility Billing Office Manager (the Superintendents and Office Manager shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees), and five employees of the utilities,  one of which shall be an employee of the city Water Works, one of which shall be an employee of the Utility Billing Office (may include the auditor), and two of which shall be elected at large, (one of which may be a retiree), to be elected at a meeting of the employees of the utilities to be held at the Council chambers of the city, or any other designated location, on January 15 of each year, to hold office for four years on a staggered basis, so that an election of at least one trustee is required each year.  The trustees shall hold their office until successors have been duly elected and qualified.  In the event of a vacancy of any one of the five trustees selected by the employees as aforesaid, by death, resignation or dismissal from such employment, or by amendment of the Trust Agreement to increase the number of the selected trustees, the employees shall within ten days thereafter, upon call of the Mayor, hold a special meeting and elect a trustee for the remainder of the term of such member vacancy.
('75 Code, §  9.02)  (Ord. CO-01-17, passed 8-27-01; Am. Ord. CO-05-03, passed 5-23-05)