§ 31.30  BOUNDARIES.
   (A)   The Common Council of the City of Frankfort, Indiana, shall be composed of seven members, five of whom shall be elected, one from each district, and two of whom shall be elected at large.  The legislative body districts shall be comprised as follows:
      (1)   Councilmatic District 1: Beginning at the intersection of Barner Street and N. Main Street proceed north along the centerline of N. Main Street to the point at the premises of Northwest Ind. Methodist Home, Inc. where N. Main Street meets Main Drive; thence along the centerline of Main Drive as it proceeds in a northeasterly direction until it becomes the Service Drive running along the north side of the building located at 1555 N. Main Street commonly known as the main building of Wesley Manor; thence westerly along said Service Drive to its intersection with State Road 75; thence in a southerly direction along the centerline of State Road 75 to its intersection with N. Union Road thence, northwest along the centerline of Union Road to the centerline of the right-of-way of the Conrail Railroad also, being the corporation line; thence south along the corporate boundary line to the northern boundary line of property conveyed to Werner & Son, Inc. by Corporate Warranty Deed recorded April 22, 1993, as Instrument No. 93-1551, the same being the city’s corporation line; thence west along such line established by Instrument No. 93-1551 to the centerline of the right-of-way of the former Seaboard System railroad; thence north along such centerline of such railroad right-of-way to the northern boundary line of real estate conveyed to Julius Baum, et al by Warranty Deed recorded September 3, 1993, as Instrument No. 93-3870; thence west along such boundary line, also being the city’s corporate boundary line to the northwest corner of such property conveyed by said deed recorded as Instrument No. 93-3870; thence south along the west property line of said tract conveyed by said Instrument No. 93-3870 to the north boundary line of a parcel of real estate identified in the Clinton County tax records as Parcel No. 12-10-04-277-001.000-021; thence west along the north boundary of said parcel, the same being the city’s corporate boundary line to the center of Rossville Avenue; thence northwesterly along the centerline of Rossville Avenue to a point in such centerline being due north of the northernmost point of a parcel of real estate conveyed to the State of Indiana by deed recorded July 2, 2008, as Instrument No. 2008-3014; thence south along the western boundary of said parcel and continuing south along the western boundary of a parcel of real estate conveyed to Larrell J. Neal, et al by warranty deed recorded July 20, 2009, as Instrument No. 2009-3215 to the centerline of the George Blinn Ditch; thence southeasterly along the centerline of George Blinn Ditch to the north boundary line of a parcel of real estate conveyed to Mudd’s Mobile Homes, Inc. by Corporate Warranty Deed recorded August 20, 2001, as Instrument No. 2001-5077; thence west along said boundary line and continuing along the north boundary line of the Meadows Addition to the City of Frankfort to the northwest corner of Lot 31 of said Meadows Addition; thence south along the west boundary line of said Meadows Addition and Morris Street to the centerline of Barner Street; thence east along the centerline of Barner Street to the point of beginning.
      (2)   Councilmatic District 2: Beginning at the intersection of Morris Street with W. Barner Street, proceed south to the south end of Morris Street; thence proceed in a meandering but generally southeasterly direction along the city’s corporate boundary line to a point where said corporate line turns from east to south, which point is just southeast of the intersection of Hill Street with West Morrison Street; thence proceed south along the corporate boundary line across the Norfolk and Southern Railroad as said corporate line parallels Prairie Street approximately 600 feet to the west of Prairie Street; proceeding south along said corporate boundary line to the center of State Road 28; thence southwesterly along the centerline of State Road 28 to its intersection with the center of McKinley Avenue extended west; thence east and northeasterly long the centerline of McKinley Avenue to the centerline of State Road 28; thence east on the centerline of State Road 28 to its intersection with Sixth Street; thence south along the centerline of Sixth Street to its intersection with Seventh Street; thence in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of Seventh Street to its intersection with W. Wabash Street; thence east along the centerline of W. Wabash Street to its intersection with S. Main Street; thence south on Main Street to its intersection with South Street; thence east along the centerline of South Street to its intersection with S. East Street; thence north on the centerline of S. East Street to the centerline of East Clinton Street; thence east on E. Clinton Street to its intersection with Hoke Avenue; thence north along the centerline of Hoke Avenue to the center of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad right-of-way; thence west along the centerline of said railroad right-of-way to its intersection with N. Clay Street; thence north on N. Clay Street to its intersection with East Morrison Street; thence west along the centerline of E. Morrison Street to its intersection with N. Main Street; thence north along the centerline of N. Main Street to its intersection with Barner Street; thence west along the centerline of Barner Street to the point of beginning.
      (3)   Councilmatic District 3: All areas within the corporate boundaries of the City of Frankfort lying west of the centerline of Prairie Avenue except for that north-south strip of real estate lying adjacent to the west side of Prairie Street and Prairie Avenue which lies within District 2 as described above.
         District 3 shall also include all that area within the corporate boundaries of the City of Frankfort lying east of the centerline of Prairie Avenue and south and west of a north and east district boundary line described as follows:  from the intersection of Prairie Avenue and McKinley Avenue proceed northwesterly along the centerline of McKinley Avenue to the centerline of State Road 28; thence east on the centerline of State Road 28 to its intersection with Sixth Street; thence south along the centerline of Sixth Street to its intersection with Seventh Street; thence in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of Seventh Street to its intersection with W. Wabash Street; thence east along the centerline of W. Wabash Street to its intersection with S. Main Street; thence south on S. Main Street to its intersection with South Street; thence east along the centerline of South Street to Prairie Creek; thence following Prairie Creek in a meandering south and south-easterly direction to S. Williams Road; thence south along the centerline of S. Williams Road to its intersection with Kelley Road; thence west along the centerline of Kelley Road to Prairie Creek; thence in a southerly direction along Prairie Creek to the northeast corner of a 1.3418 acre parcel of real estate conveyed to Eric and Tara Woods by Warranty Deed recorded April 2, 2002, as Instrument No. 2002-2537; thence southeasterly and then southwesterly around the perimeter of said parcel to Alhambra Avenue; but excepting from said area that portion of a 2.58 acre parcel owned by Mary F. Matz, which parcel is described as TRACT B in a survey appearing in County Survey Record Book 14, page 489, which portion lies west of Prairie Creek.
      (4)   Councilmatic District 4: Beginning at the intersection of Prairie Creek and E. South Street; thence south and meandering southeasterly along Prairie Creek to S. Williams Road; thence South along the centerline of South Williams Road to its intersection with Kelley Road; thence west along the centerline of Kelley Road to Prairie Creek; thence south along Prairie Creek to the north boundary line of a 2.58 acre parcel owned by Mary F. Matz, which parcel is described as TRACT B in a survey appearing in County Survey Record Book 14, page 489; thence west along the north boundary line of said Matz parcel to the northwest corner thereof; thence in a southerly direction along the west boundary of said Matz parcel to the southwest corner thereof; thence east along the south boundary of said Matz parcel to the southeast corner of said parcel; thence north along the east boundary of said parcel to the southeast corner of Lot 26 in Brookside Estates 5th Section; thence north along the east boundary lines of Lots 26, 25, 24 and 23 of said Brookside Estates 5th Section to the northeast corner thereof; thence east along the south boundary line of Lots 1 through 14 of Sections 1, 2 and 4 of Brookside Estates, the same being the city’s corporate boundary line, to the southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence north along the east boundary line of said Lot 1 in Brookside Estates to the centerline of Kelley Road; thence east along the centerline of Kelley Road to the northwest corner of Lot in Turkey Trot Addition; thence south along the west boundary line of Turkey Trot Addition to the southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence east along the south boundary line of Turkey Trot Addition to said addition’s east boundary; thence north along the east boundary line of Lots 14 and 15 in Turkey Trot Addition to the centerline of Kelley Road; thence east along the centerline of Kelley Road to the west line of a .505 acre parcel of real estate conveyed to Larry L. and Julia J. Crabtree by Warranty Deed recorded November 2, 2009, as Instrument No. 2009-4599; thence south along the west boundary line of said parcel to the southwest corner thereof; thence east along the south boundary of said parcel to the southwest corner of Lot 1 in Green Acres Subdivision; thence east along the south boundary line of said Green Acres Subdivision to the southeast corner of Lot 10 of Green Acres Subdivision; thence north along the east boundary line of Lot 10 of said subdivision to the centerline of Kelley Road; thence east on Kelley Road to the east boundary line of a 10 acre parcel of real estate lying in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Kelley Road and S. Maish Road, which parcel was conveyed to Thomas Scott Glover by deed recorded December 29, 2010, as Instrument No. 2010-4835; thence north along the east boundary of said parcel to the north boundary thereof; thence east along the south boundary line to the southeast corner of a 26.65 acre parcel conveyed to Gary B. and Lisa M. Crum by Warranty Deed recorded January 30, 2006, as Instrument No. 2006-0441; thence north along the east boundary line of said 26.65 acre parcel to the northeast corner thereof; thence continue north along the east boundary line to the northeast corner of a 29.66 acre parcel conveyed to Gene Crum, LLC by Trustees Deed recorded January 2, 2013, as Instrument No. 2013-0052, said northeast corner being the same as the southeast corner of Risse’s Addition, Fourth Section; thence east on the south boundary line to the southeast corner of a parcel conveyed to the Board of Commissioners of Clinton County by Certification of Payment of Court-appointed Appraisers’ Award and Request for Transfer recorded September 17, 2010, as Instrument No. 2010-3342; thence continue east along the south boundary line to the southeast corner of a 25.00 acre parcel conveyed to Crider & Crider, Inc. by Warranty Deed recorded April 27, 2012, as Instrument No. 2012-1635; thence north along the east boundary line of said 25.00 acre parcel extended to the southwest corner of a parcel conveyed to Christian Life Church of Frankfort, Inc. by Warranty Deed recorded November 3, 2011, as Instrument No. 2011-4071; thence east on the south boundary line of said parcel to the southeast corner thereof; thence north along the east boundary line of said parcel to the center line of State Road 28; thence west along the centerline of State Road 28 to the center of Maish Road; thence north on Maish Road to its intersection with N. Crescent Drive; thence west on N. Crescent Drive to its intersection with Outer Drive; thence south on Outer Drive to its intersection with Center Drive; thence west and south along the centerline of Center Drive to its intersection with Clinton Drive; thence west along the centerline of Clinton Drive and Clinton Street to its intersection with East Street; thence south along the centerline of East Street to E. South Street; thence west along the centerline of E. South Street to Prairie Creek, the same being the beginning point of District 4.
      (5)   Councilmatic District 5: Beginning at the intersection of Hoke Avenue with the right-of-way of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad running just along the north side of Ohio Street and proceeding west along the centerline of said railroad right-of-way to its intersection with N. Clay Street, thence north on Clay Street to its intersection with East Morrison Street; thence west on Morrison Street to its intersection with N. Main Street; thence north along the centerline of N. Main Street to a point at the premises of Northwest Indiana Methodist Home, Inc. where N. Main Street meets Main Drive; thence along the centerline of Main Drive as it proceeds in a northeasterly direction until it becomes the Service Drive running along the north side of the building located at 1555 N. Main Street commonly known as the main building of Wesley Manor; thence westerly along said Service Drive to a point in the center of said Service Drive on the line extended south from the southeast corner of a 30.62 acre parcel of real estate conveyed to Wesley Manor, Inc. by Warranty Deed recorded August 10, 1995, as Instrument No. 95-3799; thence from said point on said extended line north along the east boundary of said 30.62 acre parcel to the centerline of County Road 100 N.; thence east along the centerline of County Road 100 N. to a point that marks the eastern end of the corporate boundary line along County Road 100 N.; thence south along the east corporate boundary line until said corporate line turns east; thence east along said corporate boundary line until it reaches Burlington Avenue; thence south on the centerline of Burlington Avenue to a point where the corporate boundary line again turns east; thence east along the city’s corporate boundary line to a point where the city’s corporate boundary line again turns south; thence easterly along said corporate boundary line to the centerline of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad right-of-way; thence northeast along the centerline of said railroad right-of-way to the centerline of Maish Road; thence south along the centerline of Maish Road to the centerline of Washington Avenue, also known as Michigantown Blacktop; thence northeast along the centerline of Washington Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 1 of Arrowhead Addition; thence north along the west boundary line of said Lot 1 to its northwest corner; thence northeast along the northwest boundary line of Arrowhead Addition to the northeast corner of Lot 3E of said addition; thence south along the east boundary line of said lot 3E to the centerline of Washington Avenue; thence northeast along the centerline of Washington Avenue to the west boundary line of a parcel of real estate conveyed to Karen Sue Jenkins by Trustee Deed recorded October 30, 2003, as Instrument No. 2003-8800; thence south along said west boundary line of said parcel to the center of the right-of-way of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad; thence east along the centerline of said railroad right-of-way to the northeast corner of a 71.83 acre parcel of real estate conveyed to Lori L. Hillis, by Warranty Deed recorded January 11, 2010, as Instrument No. 2010-0107; thence south along the east boundary of said 71.83 acre parcel to the center of State Road 28; thence west along the centerline of State Road 28 to Maish Road; thence north on Maish Road to N. Crescent Drive; thence west on N. Crescent Drive to its intersection with Outer Drive; thence south on Outer Drive to its intersection with Center Drive; thence west and south along the centerline of Center Drive to its intersection with Clinton Drive; thence east along the center line of Clinton Drive and Clinton Street to its intersection with N. Hoke Avenue; thence north along the centerline of N. Hoke Avenue to the point of beginning.
   (B)   The legislative body districts herein established shall supersede and redefine the districts heretofore established in Ordinance 02-15, which ordinance is shown recodified as § 31.30 of the Municipal Code of the City of Frankfort; that said legislative body districts as established and herein shall also supersede and redefine those provisions of any previous annexation ordinances that assigned annexed territories to legislative districts other than those established herein.
(Ord. CO-82-14, passed 8-30-82; Am. Ord. CO-82-23, passed 12-29-82; Am. Ord. CO-92-20, passed 12-14-92, Am. Ord. CO-95-1, passed 4-3-95; Am. Ord. 02-15, passed 7-22-02; Am. Ord. 12-11, passed  12-27-12; Am. Ord. 13-15, passed 10-28-13)