For the purpose of this Title the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUSINESS DISTRICT.  That territory contiguous to and including a highway or street, when 50% or more of the frontage thereon for a distance of 500 feet or more is occupied by buildings in use for business.  (I.C. 9-13-2-18)
   COMMERCIAL VEHICLE.  A truck, tractor, semi-trailer, and a trailer, or any combination of these vehicles, as defined by I.C. 9-13-2-164, 9-13-2-180, 9-13-2-188.
   DRIVER.  Every person who drives or is in actual control of a vehicle.  (I.C. 9-13-2-47)
   DRIVEWAY.  A concrete, asphalt or crushed stone passage way for vehicles that serves to connect a public street or alley to a garage, structure or approved parking space(s).
   INDIVIDUAL PARKING SPACE.  Any portion of the paved surface of the street of sufficient length and depth from the sidewalk curb to accommodate a vehicle to be parked, as specified and marked off by the Police Department of the city.
   LOCAL DELIVERY.  The operation of commercial vehicles from or to a point of origin or destination, or when being used for the purpose of pickups or deliveries of freights, property, and other materials in the city.
   OPERATOR.  Includes every individual who shall operate a vehicle as the owner thereof, or as the agent, employee, or permittee of the owner.
   PARKING.  The standing of any vehicle upon a street, whether the vehicle is occupied or not and whether the vehicle is accompanied or not by an operator, for a period of time in excess of two minutes.
   PARKING METER. or MECHANICAL PARKING TIME INDICATOR.  Any device or devices which shall indicate thereon the length of time during which a vehicle may be parked in a particular place, which shall have as a part thereof a receptacle or chamber for receiving and storing coins of the United States and a slot or place in which the coins may be deposited, a timing device or mechanism to indicate the passage of an interval of time during which parking is permissible and which shall also display an appropriate signal when the interval of time has elapsed, and a set of brief instructions as to the operation of the device.
   REGISTERED GROSS WEIGHT.  The weight of a vehicle or combination of vehicles without load, plus the weight of any load thereon.
   RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT.  The territory contiguous to and including a highway or street when 50% or more of the frontage thereon for a distance of 500 feet or more is zoned pursuant to the master plan of the city for residential use.
   STREET.  Any public street, alley, avenue, boulevard, highway, or other public place located within the city and established or dedicated for the use of vehicles.
   VEHICLE.  Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices moved by human power, or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.  (I.C. 9-13-2-196(a), (b)(1), (2))
('75 Code, Ch. 26)  (Ord. 152, passed 8-10-48; Am. Ord. PO-68-2, passed 8-7-68; Am. ord. CO-05-07, passed 10-11-05)