(A)   Where meters larger than 5/8 inch and 3/4 inch are installed, the following minimum charges shall apply for operation, maintenance, replacement, and debt service:
Size of Water Meter
Size of Water Meter
1 inch meter
1 1/4 inch meter
1 1/2 inch meter
2 inch meter
3 inch meter
4 inch meter
6 inch meter
   (B)   The minimum charge for any service where the user is not a metered water consumer shall be based on the size of the service connection, but no such charge shall be less than $59.36.  In all cases where the user is not a metered water consumer, the city shall have the right at all times to estimate the usage and to bill the user in accordance with such estimated usage, but the monthly charge shall be not less than $59.36.
   (C)   Customers outside the city limits shall pay 125% of the calculated charges, unless governed by individual agreement between the customer and the Utility Service Board.
('75 Code, § 7.06)  (Ord. CO-67-18, passed 11-28-67; Am. Ord. CO-78-16, passed 7-5-78; Am. Ord. CO- 80-19, passed 11-24-80; Am. Ord. 85-13, passed 7-25-85; Am. Ord. PO-98-4, passed 6-8-98; Am. Ord. CO-04-27, passed 11-8-04; Am. Ord. CO-06-10, passed 3-13-06; Am. Ord. CO-07-08, passed 6-25-07; Am. Ord. 10-06, passed 6-14-10)