§ 155.213  USES.
   All land usage requirements in the underlying districts are applicable in the Crosstown Overlay District, except as provided below:
   (A)   The following uses are permitted by right: expansion of existing single-family homes, reduction in number of dwelling units in two- or multi-family structures and the construction of any accessory structure for a single-family dwelling.
   (B)   The following uses are not permitted in the Crosstown Overlay District: adult businesses, off-premise signs (billboards), permanent and temporary roadside sales stands (except for agricultural produce which is permitted), junk or salvage yards, manufactured homes or heavy equipment storage or sales, waste incineration or waste transfer stations, and manufacturing or business uses with processes that are considered dangerous to the health, safety or welfare of the general public as determined by the State Board of Health or Clinton County Health Department.
   (C)   The following or similar uses are special exception uses in the Crosstown Overlay District: change of use from single-family residential to any other use, change of use of any existing non-conforming commercial or industrial uses or structures and any special exception use in the East State Road 28 Overlay District.
   (D)   Accessory uses and structures shall be architecturally compatible with the primary use or structure within the Overlay District.
(Ord. 15-07, passed 9-14-15)