(A)   The facility and its administrator shall maintain a log book which shall be used for all residents leaving the facility. Before a resident leaves the facility, a staff member shall legibly enter the date, the name of the resident, the time of leaving and, if provided by the resident, the destination and the anticipated time of return. Upon the resident's return to the facility, a staff member shall enter the time of return in the log book. All log books shall be kept, maintained and made available for inspection for at least one year from the date of the final entry.
   (B)   The registration desk and each exterior door of any long term care facility shall be equipped with an independent, continuously recording video camera which shall be monitored by the staff for resident safety and facility security and so that a resident shall not leave the facility as provided in this chapter. All video recordings shall be kept, maintained and made available for inspection for at least 30 days from the date of recording.
   (C)   All exterior doors shall be equipped with a signal that will alert the facility staff if a resident leaves the building. Any exterior door that is supervised by a staff member may have a disconnect device for the signal during such time as the door is actually supervised. If an exterior door is supervised by a staff member 24 hours a day, no signal is required.
   (D)   Prior to issuance or renewal of a license, each applicant must submit an emergency life safety plan to the Village of Frankfort Police Department and the Frankfort Fire Protection District.
(Ord. 2246, passed 12-5-05) Penalty, see § 117.99