All permitted uses and special land uses are subject to the following site development requirements:
(F) Unless not required by any other ordinance, sidewalks shall be constructed on all sides of the property abutting a public street, in accordance with village standards.
(G) Setbacks, height, area, and lot dimensions are required as noted below unless greater setbacks are required by the Landscape subchapter.
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Minimum lot size | Commercial uses - 2,000 square feet; Mixed residential uses - 2,000 square feet; Residential uses - 7,500 square feet. |
Minimum lot width | None required |
Maximum height | 35 feet |
Front setback | None except for corner lots (see general provisions) and existing residential uses (use R-1 standards) |
Side setback | None required - see Landscape subchapter |
Rear setback | 25 feet |
Maximum lot coverage (includes accessory buildings) | Residential uses - 35% |