The following shall be deemed to be a part of the powers conferred upon the Town of Four Oaks by this Section:
   (a)   To levy, assess and collect taxes and to borrow money within the limits prescribed by general law; and to levy and collect special assessments for benefits conferred.
   (b)   To furnish all local public services; to purchase, hire, construct, own, maintain and operate or lease local public utilities; to acquire, by condemnation or otherwise, within or without the corporate limits, property necessary for any such purpose, subject to restrictions imposed by general law for the protection of other communities; and to grant local public utility franchises and regulate the exercise thereof.
   (c)   To make local public improvements and to acquire, by condemnation, or otherwise, property within or without its corporate limits necessary for such improvements; and also to acquire an excess over that needed for any such improvement, and to sell or lease such excess property with restrictions, in order to protect and preserve the improvement.
   (d)   To issue and sell bonds on the security of any such excess property, or of any public utility owned by the town, or of the revenue thereof, or of both, including in the case of a public utility, if deemed desirable by the town, a franchise stating the terms upon which, in case of foreclosure, the purchaser may operate such utility.
   (e)   To organize and administer public libraries.
   (f)   To adopt and enforce within its limits local police, sanitary and other similar regulations not in conflict with general laws.
   Except as otherwise provided in this Act the board of commissioners shall have authority to determine by whom and in what manner that powers granted by this Section shall be exercised.