Ord. No.
Ord. No.
Annexing certain property beginning at a concrete marker located south 72.22 west 11.3 feet from the northeast corner of Charles Upchurch lot and containing 79.74 acres and being a part or all of tracts owned by Joe and Mabel Austin, V.A., and Sandra Raulerson, Marvin and Lillie Mae Capps, Charles and Nan Upchurch, Joseph Batten and wife, Mrs. Lundy Allen and C.M. Holley.
Annexing certain territory beginning at a point in the center of NCSR # 1165 (Temple Street), the point being located south 01° 38 12" west 30.00 from the center of a culvert underneath the road; thence, from the above described beginning the line runs as the existing town limits line across the property of Clay Brown south 60° 30 east 1423.00 to a point in the center line of a branch, containing 16.27 acres according to a plat prepared by Ragsdale Engineers, P.A. dated 8-5-77.
Annexing real property of maps Edward and Edna Keen, lot containing 0.322 ac. and lot containing 0.832 ac. situated southwest of SR 1178, bounded by lands of Zeb D. Allen on the southwest, I-95 on the southeast, SR 1178 on the northeast and lands of Howard Hockaday on the northwest and being the present commercial site of Keen's Handimart. Also Lots No. 2, 3, 4 and 5 containing 3.33 ac. and being part of the George William Keen Division described in Land Book 6, page 456, County Courthouse, office of the Clerk of Court and being the present site of the residence, garage with apartment above and Funland Daycare Center of James Edward and Edna Keen.
Annexing certain territory beginning at the existing corporate limits of the town at a point in the southern right-of-way of the ACLRR, north 67° 45 min. east 33 to a point in the right-of-way, the point being the northwest corner of Lot 5 of the C.R. Adams Division, as shown in Plat Book #2 page 3, County Registry.
Annexing that parcel owned by Walter Junior Baker bounded by Tucker Street and the properties of M.C. Wilkins, Bob Woodall and Vonzo Woodall, contained in Book 775, Page 559, Register of Deeds Office, County Courthouse.
Annexing certain territory beginning at a stake, 30 from the center of SR 1182, being the corporate limits of the town and being Lot No. 4 of the C.A. Raynor Subdivision recorded in Book 637, Page 253, County Registry.
Annexing all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in or near the town, as shown on map of record in Plat Book 10, page 9, in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county, as being one lot with the lettering "J H S" being in dimension 50 × 125 feet and being bounded on the north by a branch adjacent to the lot designated as the "Willie McSwane" lot, on the east by Lot Nos. 1 and 2 and on the south and west by the 10.6 acres tract designated as Lot No. 12 on the map.
Annexing certain territory beginning at an iron stake in the centerline of Temple Street (NCSR 1165 the iron stake being the northwest corner of a tract of land owned by Nora Temple containing 4.37 acres.
Annexing two tracts:
(1) Being all of Lot Nos. 1 through 7 and 30 through 40, Forest Hills Subdivision, Section One, together with those portions of Forest Hills Drive and Harper Avenue included within Section One, as shown on the map recorded in Map Book 14 as Page 19, office of the County Register of Deeds.
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(2) Being all of Lot Nos. 8 through 29 and 41 and 42, Forest Hills Subdivision, Section Two, together with those portions of Harper Avenue and Pine Drive included within Section Two, as shown on the map recorded in Map Book 15 at page 167, office of the County Register of Deeds.
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Annexing certain territory beginning at a point in the center of U.S. Highway 301, the point cornering with the property of Walter C. Temple.
Annexing certain territory beginning at a concrete monument marking the intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 701 and the southeast right-of-way line of ramp to Interstate Highway No. 95.
Annexing three tracts:
(1) Beginning at a stake in a ditch, a lot corner and runs north 84 degrees 45 minutes west 105.8 feet to an iron stake at the edge of the road or street; thence along the road north 6 degrees 45 minutes east 83.3 feet to an iron stake; thence south 74 degrees 35 minutes east 30.0 feet to an iron stake; thence along the ditch south 38 degrees 20 minutes east 108.0 feet to the beginning.
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Annexing certain territory beginning at an existing pk nail in the center line of US Hwy 701 the point being located north 01 degrees 44 minutes 46 seconds west 595.35 from the intersection of the centerline of U.S. Hwy 701 and center line of SR 1178 and running from the beginning point north 79 degrees 27 minutes 16 seconds west 40.46 feet to an existing iron pipe, containing 1.04 acres, more or less.
Annexing two tracts:
(1) Being all of Lot Nos. 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 in the subdivision of the H.W. Creech lands within or near the corporate limits of the town, and being a part of the real estate described in Book 438, Page 309, Registry of the county.
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(2) Beginning at an iron stake in Emmit Adams' line runs with Adams' line north 85 degrees west 100 feet to a lightwood stake; thence north 3 degrees 90 feet to a stake in the edge of the street, containing 1.4 acres, more or less and being a part of the R.G. Tart lot on the north side of U.S. Highway No. 301 on the west side of the town.
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Annexing two parcels:
(1) Beginning at a concrete monument in the line of Oaks Housing Associates marking a corner with Tract 3 of the Raymond Temple Estate, containing 2.977 acres.
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(2) Beginning at a concrete monument marking a corner of Johnnie Stewart and Nora Temple Lassiter, containing 0.099 acres and being a portion of the property conveyed to Jasper K. Surles by Bessie S. Surles by deed recorded in Deed Book 827, Page 772 in the Register of the county and being a portion of Tract No. 2 of the deed.
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