(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person or group of persons to holler, shout, scream, sing or make any other noises with their voices in person or by mechanical means which shall be unreasonably loud and disturbing to the pubic in general. By the terms of this section, it shall be considered that hollering, shouting, screaming, singing or the making of any other noises with voices in person or by mechanical means by any person or group of person shall be considered as being unreasonably loud and disturbing where same can be heard throughout the distance of three city blocks or 1,200 feet, whichever is the least.
   (B)   Any gathering of persons or any group of persons upon the sidewalks or streets of the town for the purpose of creating, or which creates, mechanical or vocal sound which is of an intensity or nature as to interfere with the rights of peaceful occupancy by property owners in the adjoining areas is unlawful and no individual shall participate in, lead, direct or encourage the actions.
   (C)   Nothing provided in this section shall be construed to prevent the orderly expression of spectators at any regularly organized sport event or the peaceful assembly of any group for orderly expression or communication between those assembled.
(1992 Code, § 96.02) (Ord. 68-DEM, passed 9-13-1968) Penalty, see § 96.99
   Noise, see Chapter 94