(A) Job descriptions and other criteria to be considered in the hiring process for the Police Chief and the Fire Chief shall be prepared by the Mayor and shall be approved by the Council. Council approval shall be by a motion passed by a majority vote of the Council.
(B) (1) The Police Chief and the Fire Chief shall be selected by the process set forth in this paragraph (B). When a vacancy exists in the position of Police Chief or Fire Chief, the Mayor shall utilize the approved criteria and job description referenced in subsection (A) hereof, in selecting a person to fill the vacancy, and the method of advertising the positions. Members of the police or fire services of the City, as applicable, may submit applications to fill the vacancy and the Mayor may also accept applications of persons who are not members of the City’s police or fire force for the position of Police Chief or Fire Chief.
(2) (i) A committee shall be formed consisting of one member of Council selected by a majority vote of the Council; one high-ranking member of a law enforcement agency if the appointment to be made is for the office of the City’s Police Chief, or one high ranking member of a fire department or agency if the appointment to be made is for the office of the City’s Fire Chief, and this committee member will conduct a professional background check specific to that position; the City’s Safety Director, or Safety-Service Director if the positions are combined; a legal consultant selected by the Mayor; one resident of the City chosen by the Mayor; and one member of the City’s Civil Service Commission designated by a majority vote of the City’s Civil Service Commission.
(2) (ii) The Committee selected pursuant to (2) (i) of Division (B) of this Section 7.01 shall review all applications received and make a recommendation to the Mayor of the three best-qualified applicants, if there are at least three applicants for appointment. If there are fewer than three applicants, the Committee shall make a recommendation to the Mayor of the best-qualified applicant.
(3) The Mayor shall appoint the person the Mayor believes to be the best qualified person to fill the position of Police Chief or Fire Chief pursuant to the criteria and job description for the office of Police Chief or Fire Chief, as appropriate. The Mayor’s appointment shall be subject to the approval of the Council, which approval shall be given by a vote of the majority of the members of Council at a regular or special meeting of the Council. Council shall take the vote pursuant to a motion to approve the Mayor’s appointment.
(4) The person appointed to the position of Police Chief or Fire Chief by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council as provided in Paragraph 7.01(B)(3) of this Charter shall be in the unclassified civil service of the City and shall be considered to be an employee at will, subject to receiving procedural due process of law. These positions shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and the Council. The Police Chief or Fire Chief may be terminated by the Mayor, but only if the Council approves the termination by an affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of all its members, at a regular or special meeting of the Council.