Streets And Public Ways
152.01 General provisions
152.02 Permit required
152.03 Bond
152.04 Specifications
152.05 Barricades
152.06 Responsibility of property owners
152.07 Appointed officers
152.08 Letting of contracts
152.09 Nonconforming construction
152.10 Nuisance
152.11 Special taxation
152.12 Financial liability
152.13 Restrictions and regulations
152.14 Signs and awnings
152.15 Sump pump discharge
152.16 Grass clippings, leaves and all landscape vegetation
Subsidewalk Space
152.30 Permit required
152.31 Permit applications
152.32 Permit fees
152.33 Bond
152.34 Conveyance of premises
152.35 Construction and maintenance
152.36 Use provisions
152.50 Permit required
152.51 Permit fee
152.52 Construction
152.53 Repairs
152.99 Penalty