The following schedule shall apply to all fees under the jurisdiction of Chapter 150 of the zoning code of the city code of ordinances.
   District change (see also Note A):   $750.00
   Ordinance amendment (see also Note A):   750.00
   Review and approval of new development plan (see also Note A):   500.00
   Review and approval of substantial variation to development plan (see also Note A):   400.00
   Review and approval of minor variation to development plan:   200.00
   Review and approval of site plan:   200.00
   Review and approval of planned dwelling group:   200.00
   Concept plan review:   100.00
   Variance (Commercial):   300.00
   Variance (Residential):   100.00
   Revocation of variance:   100.00
   Special exceptions:   300.00
   Administrative review:   100.00
   Interpretation of text or zoning map:   100.00
   Nonconforming use and/or structure:   100.00
   Temporary use:   200.00
   Certificate of zoning compliance:   50.00
   Note A:   Cost of work performed by city employees and professional consultants and other associated costs incurred by the city will be charged to the applicant at their billed cost plus 10%. In the case of work performed by the City Engineer, the hourly cost to the applicant shall be at the rate of $40.00 per hour. The permit shall not be used prior to this additional fee being paid in full.
(Ord. 9-1986, passed 5-5-86; Am. Ord. 21-1992, passed 9-8-92; Am. Ord. 01-2003, passed 2-17-03; Am. Ord. 24-2008, passed 12-15-08)