Any enforcement officer or any person authorized by the city to enforce the sections here within shall be immune from prosecution, civil or criminal, for reasonable, good faith entry upon real property while in the discharge of duties.
   (A)   Fees. At the time of initial registration each registrant shall pay a non-refundable semi-annual registration fee of [fee amount] for each property. Subsequent non-refundable semi-annual renewal registrations of properties and fees in the amount of [fee amount] are due within ten days of the expiration of the previous registration. Said fees shall be used to offset the costs of: (1) registration and registration enforcement; (2) code enforcement and mitigation related to defaulted properties; (3) post-closing counseling and foreclosure intervention limited to owner-occupied persons in default, which may not include cash and mortgage modification assistance; and (4) for any related purposes as may be adopted in the policy set forth in this chapter. Said fees shall be deposited to a special account in the city's department dedicated to the cost of implementation and enforcement of this chapter, and fulfilling the purpose and intent of this chapter. None of the funds provided for in this section shall be utilized for the legal defense of foreclosure actions.
   (B)   At the time of initial registration each registrant shall pay a non-refundable semi-annual registration fee of [fee amount] for each vacant property. Subsequent non-refundable semi-annual renewal registrations of vacant properties and fees in the amount of [fee amount] are due within ten days of the expiration of the previous registration. Said fees shall be used to offset the costs of: (1) registration and registration enforcement; (2) code enforcement and mitigation related to vacant properties; and (3) for any related purposes as may be adopted in the policy set forth in this chapter. Said fees shall be deposited to a special account in the city's department dedicated to the cost of implementation and enforcement of this chapter, and fulfilling the purpose and intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 04-2020, passed 3-17-20)