(A)   Expiration. Each license shall expire on January 1 of the year following the issuance of the license and may be renewed by making an application at least 30 days before the expiration date. If a renewal is denied, a new license shall not be issued for one year from the date of denial, unless the reason for denial is delinquency in fees or taxes or an incomplete application, in which case if the original defect has been corrected, a new license may be granted.
   (B)   Proration. The fee for a new license will be prorated according to the quarter of the year in which it is granted:
      (1)   Licenses granted in January, February or March: 100% of fee.
      (2)   Licenses granted in April, May or June: 75% of fee.
      (3)   Licenses granted in July, August or September: 50% of fee.
      (4)   Licenses granted in October, November or December: 25% of fee.
(Ord. 11-2009, passed 7-20-09)