      I.   Truck routes
   (A)   Establishing truck routes.
      (1)   No person, partnership, firm, corporation, or association shall drive or operate a truck weighing five tons or more, including its load, upon any of the streets in the municipality, with the exception of those streets listed below which shall be known as truck routes, unless the journey of such truck shall originate or terminate upon such municipal street for the purpose of picking up or making delivery of a shipment or partial load.
   The following streets are designated as truck routes:
   STREET            LOCATION
   Ballinger Road         From Southland to Sharon Road
   Hall-Winton Road
   Interstate 275
   Kenn Road            From north corporation line to south corporation line
   Mill Road            From north corporation line to south corporation line
   Northland Road
   Sharon Road            From Northland Road to east corporation line
   Sharon Road            From Mill to Hall-Winton
   Sharon Road            From Northland Road to Hall-Winton Road
   Southland Road         From south corporation line to Sharon
   State Route - Kemper Road (By-pass 50)
   Waycross Road         From Hamilton Avenue to Mill Road
      (2)   If such a truck does find it necessary to drive or operate on a municipal street because of one of the exceptions enumerated in division (1) above, it shall use the shortest possible route to enter from, and leave to, the closest state route or truck route available; and it shall not travel at a speed in excess of 20 miles an hour while operating on municipal streets.
      (3)   The provisions of R.C. Chapter 5577 are hereby adopted as the law of the city as to the operation of trucks over the truck routes as set forth in division (1) above.
   (B)   In order to notify truck drivers of the existence of this section, signs shall be posted in proper places warning drivers of trucks as to the provisions of this section, but if, for any reason, there are no such signs posted or if such signs are posted and the same are removed, broken, or destroyed, the absence of such signs shall not relieve any truck driver of the responsibility of complying with the terms of this section and shall not prevent the driver of such truck, if he does not comply with the terms of this section, being found guilty of violating the same.
(Ord. 53-1969, passed 11-3-69; Am. Ord. 33-1972, passed 6-5-72) Penalty, see § 70.99