(A)   Purpose. The Industrial (I) District is intended to provide an area where industrial, business service, and office uses may locate to provide a range of employment opportunities; to attract new development that will present a positive image to the community; and to provide locations with traffic management capabilities that can adequately handle the traffic generated within the district without disrupting traffic flows on nearby thoroughfares.
   (B)   Design character. The overall design character of the Industrial (I) District is to present the least amount of impact on adjacent, less intensive land uses and to display a positive community image. Given the area’s proximity to the interstate and heavy industrial activity and truck traffic in these areas, development will be primarily auto-oriented. High quality design is required in this area because of its highly visible location.
   (C)   Permitted uses. Subject to applicable provisions of this chapter, the following are permitted uses in the I District:
      (1)   Industrial condominium/multi-tenant structure;
      (2)   Manufacturing;
      (3)   Medical;
      (4)   Office;
      (5)   Public airport and related facilities;
      (6)   Public compost facility;
      (7)   Recreation-public;
      (8)   Research and technology center;
      (9)   Warehousing and distribution;
      (10)   Wholesaling.
   (D)   Accessory uses. Subject to applicable provisions of this chapter, the following accessory uses in the I District are allowed only when it is accessory to an existing principal permitted use on the same lot. All accessory uses must meet the procedures set forth in and regulated by §§ 153.110 et seq.
      (1)   Trash enclosure service structure;
      (2)   Attached smoking facility associated with principal use;
      (3)   Roof-mounted solar energy systems (meeting accessory structure requirements) according to § 153.307;
      (4)   Amateur radio antenna (subject to the amateur radio antenna standards in § 153.096(II)(9)).
   (E)   Conditional uses. Subject to applicable provisions of this chapter, the following are conditional uses in the I District (requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by § 153.034):
      (1)   Detached accessory structure;
      (2)   Essential services, governmental buildings and storage, utility substations;
      (3)   Kennel, commercial;
      (4)   Recreation, commercial;
      (5)   Recycling center;
      (6)   Transportation/motor freight terminal;
      (7)   Towers (see § 153.096);
      (8)   Contractor’s yard in accordance with the performance standards listed in § 153.096(SS).
   (F)   Interim uses. Subject to applicable provisions of this chapter, the following are interim uses in the I District (requires an interim use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by § 153.035).
      (1)   Place of worship leasing space;
      (2)   School facility leasing space.
   (G)   Lot size, setback, and height requirements. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in an I (Industrial) District subject to additional requirements, exceptions, and modifications set forth in this chapter.
      (1)   Minimum lot requirements.
With sewer and water
Without sewer or city water
Lot size:
1 acre
1 acre
10 acres
Lot width*
150 feet
300 feet
* As measured at front yard setback line
      (2)   Minimum setback requirements.
Principal structure
Accessory structure, detached
Principal structure
Accessory structure, detached
Front yard:
Arterial street
75 feet from right-of-way or 150 feet from centerline, whichever is greater
75 feet from right-of-way or 150 feet from centerline, whichever is greater
Local/collect or street
30 feet from the public right-of-way
30 feet
Side yard:
10 feet
10 feet
Abutting a side street
20 feet
30 feet
Abutting a residential district
35 feet
35 feet
Rear yard:
20 feet
20 feet
When abutting a residential district
60 feet
60 feet
      (3)   Building height. All buildings shall be limited to a maximum height of 45 feet except for those properties in the Airport Overlay Zone.
   (H)   Airport Requirements. Properties within the Airport Overlay District shall comply with the requirements in § 153.344. Additional standards may be enforced by the Airport Commission for building design.
(Ord. 537, passed 11-8-2004; Am. Ord. 596, passed 2-8-2010; Am. Ord. 602, passed 11-8-2010; Am. Ord. 651, passed 3-14-2016; Am. Ord. 726, passed 8-28-2023)