To achieve the principles and objectives presented in the Comprehensive Plan and implement the city’s Sustainability Action Plan, sustainable design and development elements shall be incorporated into all commercial/industrial, mixed use and non-residential development in residential districts, and applied to apartments and multi-family structures. A developer must select a minimum of 1 item from each of the following categories and provide a detailed narrative as to how this requirement is being satisfied:
   (A)   Storm water mitigation. The city supports the use of the following techniques for storm water mitigation; however, final approval and permitting authority must be obtained from the appropriate Watershed District.
      (1)   Pervious paving: Use of pervious surface system technology within 50% or more of paved surface area.
      (2)   Rain gardens: Move water from building or hardscape runoff on-site into planted areas specifically designed for infiltration.
      (3)   Green roof: Use a vegetated roof or rooftop garden to reduce runoff.
      (4)   Water collection from building or hardscape surfaces: Retain water on-site for irrigation or building use through cisterns or other containment systems.
      (5)   Other techniques approved by appropriate Watershed District.
   (B)   Heat island reduction.
      (1)   Shade trees over hardscape areas: Use overstory trees in medians and parking lot perimeter planting areas where the canopy will intercept sun from the pavement.
      (2)   Roofing materials: Use white roofing materials or other roofing material solar reflective index meeting acceptable sustainability standards and benefits.
   (C)   Water use reduction.
      (1)   Use native landscaping techniques and a high efficiency irrigation system to minimize long term water usage.
      (2)   Use captured surface runoff from other areas on-site to serve landscaped areas.
   (D)   Landscaping.
      (1)   Use best management practices for tree plantings in order to encourage maximum canopy growth. See §§ 153.230 et seq. for additional landscaping requirements.
      (2)   Landscaping shall be designed to provide shading and cooling during the summer months while minimizing reduction of solar heat penetration during the winter months. See §§ 153.230 et seq. for additional landscaping requirements.
      (3)   Landscaping is to be environmentally sensitive and should include native drought resistant plants and turf, and a reduced need for chemical fertilizers and pest control. See §§ 153.230 et seq. for additional landscaping requirements.
      (4)   Where irrigation is required in §§ 153.230 et seq., use recycled gray water, roof water, collected site run-off, or an irrigation system that will deliver up to 95% of the water supplied.
   (E)   Energy efficiency. All buildings and sites are to be sited and developed in such a way as to maximize the benefits of the site for solar heating and passive cooling through the following techniques, where feasible:
      (1)   Buildings are to be oriented on the site to optimize passive solar heating and cooling opportunities.
      (2)   Buildings are to be oriented so as to minimize wind loads on the structure.
      (3)   Windows are to be placed, and appropriately shaded, to maximize solar penetration during the winter months and minimize solar penetration during the summer months.
      (4)   Install solar panels in conformance with § 153.307 to provide at least 10% of the project’s estimated electricity demand.
      (5)   A minimum of 50% of all exterior light fixtures used on-site shall be powered by solar panel energy.
      (6)   All lighting shall be downcast and use LED fixtures meeting requirements in § 153.185.
      (7)   Daylight sensors or timers shall be installed on all exterior lighting.
(Ord. 596, passed 2-8-2010)