(A)   Applications. Applications must be submitted to the city by the property owner or designated agent on forms provided by the city. Within 15 days following the receipt of the application, the city shall determine if the application is complete and notify applicants of an incomplete application. If the application is deemed incomplete, the application shall not be placed on the Planning Commission agenda until the application is made complete.
   (B)   Fees. Every application shall be accompanied by the required fee as established and modified, from time to time, by the City Council. An application shall be deemed to be incomplete if it is not accompanied by the required fee. The failure to pay such fee when due shall be grounds for refusing to process the application, and for denying or revoking any permit or approval for the subject property. No fees shall be waived, and no fees shall be refunded, except those authorized by the City Council at its sole discretion.
   (C)   Schedule. Upon receipt of an application that contains all required information, the city shall schedule the matter for review by the Planning Commission. From the date the city receives the application containing all required information, the City Council must approve or deny the application within 60 days. The city may extend the 60 day period by providing written notice of the extension to the applicant before the end of the initial 60 day period. This notification must state the reason for the extension and its anticipated length, which may not exceed an additional 60 days.
   (D)   Notification. All applications for development proposals requiring a public hearing must be advertised to allow informed participation by all interested parties and to comply with applicable state statutes. The applicant shall be required to post a sign on the subject property prior to all public hearings in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Location and time period for posting signs. The required posting period shall be no less than 15 consecutive days, but no more than 30 days, prior to the public hearing or site plan review public meeting. The sign shall be posted at a prominent location on the property, near the sidewalk or public right-of-way, so that it is visible to passing pedestrians and motorists. Properties with more than 1 street frontage shall be required to post 1 sign visible from each street frontage.
      (2)   Applicant’s responsibility for posting signs. The applicant shall obtain the required sign from the City of Forest Lake. It is the applicant’s responsibility to erect the sign on the property and maintain it during the required period.
      (3)   Failure to post. Failure to post for the required time shall constitute grounds for suspension or discontinuance of the approval process.
   (E)   Applications that require a public hearing. The following applications require public hearings:
      (1)   Zoning text and map amendments;
      (2)   Conditional use permits, amendments, and revocations;
      (3)   Variances;
      (4)   Preliminary plats;
      (5)   Minor subdivisions;
      (6)   Planned Unit Developments (PUDs);
      (7)   Interim use permits, amendments, and revocations; and
      (8)   Vacations of public right-of-way or drainage easement.
   (F)   Public examination and copying of applications and other documents. During normal business hours, any person may examine the application and material submitted in support of, or in opposition to, the application, subject to the exceptions set forth in the Freedom of Information Act. Upon reasonable request, any person shall be entitled to copies of the application and related documents. The city shall make copies of such materials for a fee as specified by the city.
   (G)   Withdrawal of application. An applicant shall have the right to withdraw an application at any time prior to the decision on the application by the city, commission, or board, including the ability to withdraw the application if it has been tabled by a commission or board. There shall be no refund of fees. Requests for withdrawal shall be in writing by the applicant and submitted to the city for record.
   (H)   Planning Commission and City Council action.
      (1)   The Planning Commission may recommend such actions or conditions relating to the application as it deems necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of this chapter and the Comprehensive Plan.
      (2)   The City Council may adopt, modify, or reject any recommendation of the Planning Commission.
      (3)   The City Council may table a recommendation for further consideration within time periods set by state statute.
(Ord. 537, passed 11-8-2004; Am. Ord. 549, passed 5-22-2006; Am. Ord. 596, passed 2-8-2010)