A permit may be denied based upon a determination that:
   (A)   The event would seriously endanger public safety;
   (B)   The event would seriously inconvenience the general public;
   (C)   The event would unreasonably infringe upon the rights of abutting properties;
   (D)   The event would conflict with another proximate event or interfere with construction or maintenance work;
   (E)   There is not sufficient safety personnel or other necessary city staff to accommodate the event;
   (F)   The applicant failed to complete the application form after being notified of the additional information required;
   (G)   The applicant cannot meet, or is unwilling to meet, all of the requirements of this chapter;
   (H)   Other issues in the public interest were identified by the City Administrator;
   (I)   Failure to prepay expenses.
(Ord. 527, passed 11-10-2003)