The following review criteria shall be used to approve, approve with conditions or deny for wireless communication facilities:
   A.   . All criteria have been met, if one is required.
   B.   Co-location. Co-location on existing wireless communication facilities within the cell service area of the proposed is not feasible.
   C.   Future . If feasible, the wireless facility shall be located and designed to preserve the ability for co-location of at least one additional user on all support exceeding 35 feet in .
   D.   Visual impacts. Based on the visual analysis and mitigation measures, the location and design of the facility shall minimize visual impacts using , color, camouflaging techniques and landscaping as appropriate.
   E.    size. A new facility shall be sited on a parcel of a size and shape that complies with the following criteria.
      1.   . The tower footprint shall be set back at least two-thirds the tower from any property line. This may be reduced when the demonstrates all of the following as appropriate.
         a.   The shape or configuration of the parcel prevents compliance with the standard or that a reduction in is necessary to take advantage of screening opportunities (such as tall trees, tree groves, or other tall elements) not available within the required .
         b.   The reduction in is the minimum required to best camouflage the facility.
         c.   Adequate clearance between the facility and the property lines can be provided to accommodate landscaping and .
         d.   The reduction in will not cause a greater visual impact to adjacent uses.
      2.   Tower pad. The tower pad shall be sited in a location that permits additional expansion to accommodate future co-located ancillary facilities. The tower shall be located on the pad so as to provide maximum flexibility for future co-location. This standard shall not apply to attached to existing or towers located on roof tops.
      3.   Engineering analysis. A licensed structural engineer’s analysis shall be submitted to demonstrate that the potential impact of tower failure and ice falling from the tower will be accommodated on .
   F.   Lighting. None allowed, except as required by the FAA.
   G.    and security. A six-foot security shall enclose monopoles and ancillary facilities.
   H.   Landscaping and screening. Landscaping requirements shall be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine the amount of screening necessary for the particular . In every case, landscaping shall be placed outside of any and shall reasonably screen the facility by subject standards.
   I.   Noise. Noise generating equipment shall be sound buffered by means of baffling, barriers or other suitable means to reduce sound level measured at the property line to 45 dBA when adjacent to residential uses and 55 dBA in other areas.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009; Ord. 2023-03, passed 5-22-2023)