The civic category includes utility, educational, recreational, cultural, protective, governmental and other uses strongly vested with public or social importance.
   A.   Basic utilities. Community infrastructure necessary to support and involving underground lines or minor such as water, sewer, electrical, natural gas and cable lines; telephone exchanges; pump stations, transit stations and other transportation facilities, services and improvements.
   B.   Major utilities transmission facilities. Community infrastructure that is either below or above ground and provides the distribution facilities to serve the community as a whole or a portion of the community such as major sewer and water lines, major electrical transmission lines within their own and electrical substations.
   C.   Charitable organization. A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose primary objectives are philanthropy and social well-being (e.g., charitable, educational, religious or other activities serving the public interest or common good.
   D.   Colleges. Institutions of higher education with/without dormitories. Excludes private, profit-making trade and vocational (see § 17.12.130D.2., Personal Services).
   E.   Community recreation. Recreational, social or multi-purpose uses typically associated with parks, play fields, golf courses or community recreation .
   F.   Cultural institutions. Museum-like preservation and exhibition of objects in one or more of the arts and sciences, gallery exhibition of works of art, or library collection of books, manuscripts, etc. for study and reading.
   G.   Day care. As defined by Oregon Revised Statute:
      1.   Day care facility. A facility that provides day care for up to 16 children, not including resident children.
      2.   Day care institution. A facility that provides day care for more than 16 children.
   H.   Emergency services. Facilities that provide protection to a district or entity, together with the incidental storage and maintenance of necessary vehicles. Typical uses include fire stations, police stations and ambulance services.
   I.   Postal service. Refers to postal services and processing as traditionally operated by the U.S. Postal Service, United Parcel Service or other similar entities. Such facilities include customer sales, mail sorting and fleet truck storage.
   J.   Religious institutions. Places of religious worship such as synagogues, temples, mosques, meeting houses, churches and other nonresidential places of worship. They may include related such as offices, classrooms, auditoriums, social halls, gymnasiums, meal programs, child care, affordable housing or space for affordable housing in a that is detached from the place of worship, provided the housing or space for housing complies with the applicable land regulations and meets the standards and criteria for residential in the underlying zone.
   K.   Seasonal shelter. A or portion thereof operated for the purpose of providing temporary shelter for people experiencing homelessness.
   L.    . Public and private elementary, middle and high . Trade and vocational are included in the Personal Services category (see § 17.12.130D.2.).
   M.   Social/fraternal clubs/lodges. Typical uses include meeting places for civic clubs, lodges or fraternal or veteran organizations.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009; Ord. 2017-12, passed 11-27-2017; Ord. 2019-10, passed 9-23-2019)